I decided I want to ditch my cell plan and rely primarily on a VoIP service for calling. To anybody here have any experience with VoIP: what providers would you recommend?
So far the two that I see recommended the most online are JMP and VoIP.ms. I setup an account with VoIP.ms, but am hesitant to pull the trigger until I have done a little more research. Any insight and info would be most welcome.
I have done this successfully with JMP. Started with a test number that I still use as a burner for online services that require a phone number. It worked well enough that I ported my main cell # over.
ninja edit: jmp customer service has been phenomenal
JMP did look like it was much more straightforward to setup than VoIP.ms. The configuration of VoIP.ms looked pretty bewildering from reading the wiki. My only concern with JMP was the minutes. From what I read it said it was unlimited text but only 120 min/month. Is that accurate?
Yes. I don’t really use more than 120 min per month. Most of the folks I call use Signal for voice.
Ah, that’s a clever way to circumvent minutes. Signal can only call other Signal users, right? So, if I wanted to call my mom, for instance, she’d need to get Signal? It’s been a sec since I used it.
Yarp. Signal has a handy invite contacts thingy too. And you can do video chat like FaceTime.