A bit over streaming at the moment so am queuing up a few Humphrey Bogart movies - does anyone have any recommendations?
So far I have some of the big ones Casablanca, Maltese Falcon, Sabrina. Watched Casablanca for the first time - loved it.
Sahara is one I watched some few times as a kid, it is a wartime propaganda movie and it really shows but it’s still pretty watchable.
The African Queen is really good as well, and Hepburn instead of Bacall.
And really everyone in a corporate job should watch The Caine Mutiny, then read the book too.
High Sierra and Dark Passage are both great. So is The Big Sleep. Anything with Bacall really.
To Have and Have Not is a good watch since it’s when the first worked together. But I would probably wait a while after seeing Casablanca for the first time since it suffers by comparison.
Thanks for the thoughtful recommendations. I realise I actually have a Bogart/Bacall movie on DVD somewhere (Key Largo) but I’ll scope out some more
The colorization isn’t… perfect. But it’s watchable, and it’s neat to see it in color.
Gotta add The Treasure of the Sierra Madre to that list.
Ok I’ll give it a go - sounded a bit hardcore for a casual watch but I havent seen it -
It’s definitely a very tense movie, but it’s also an all time classic.