From Spain here, when we want to speak about USA people we use the term “yankee” or “gringo” rather than “american” cause our americans arent from USA, that terms are correct or mean other things?

    14 days ago

    I’m USAian. (just identifying for this thread, i don’t call myself that)

    would “gringo” include Black USAians? Asian USAians? Spain-born USAians?

    from my understanding of “gringo”, that doesn’t seem to include non-white USAians. Most English monolingual USAians think that means “white guy”.

    a lot of gen z USAians might not know the word Yankee as a term for USAians. if speaking to them, you might have to explain it’s not the baseball team.

    maybe it’s better to stick with “USAians”. it’s never been used but it’s easy to figure out. other possible choices are:

    • Statesians
    • USAliens
    • USAmericans
    • Staters
    • Stater Tots (re: tater tots)
    • USticles

    better yet, call each of us by the state we’re each from. that’s the safest bet. you know all our 50 state names right? and their official demonyms? 🤣 kidding