Also offensive: pointing out that English speakers do not use the word “American” to refer to people from Latin America. The term in our language is universally used to refer to people from the country America.

    11 days ago

    Damn, they added a ban? And a week? A one day, that’s kinda normal for a cooldown period, but a week? Damn.

    And, yeah, the subject comes up from time to time, so I’ve gone looking a few times. Never bothered to keep links, and lost my copy/paste that covered quotes and citations, but there’s no lack of evidence regarding the usage I was describing.

    The French in specific were pretty hung ho about accepting the US as a nation early on. They use a different term in French, etatsunidens, or something like that, but when they were using English in correspondence with us and our diplomats of the era, American and America were used for sure. Not that it matters too much, since the real point of the conversation was current usage; I only brought up the past to indicate that the subject isn’t controversial overall. But I guess I used keywords lol

    I respect the work dessalines puts into lemmy as a dev, so I never get nasty with him, and in truth he’s not usually that rude himself. But he has that habit when he’s on his “home turf” of sticking to the party line no matter what, even if it’s having to hammer the square peg of it into the round hole of a conversation.

    Makes me wonder what bug is up his ass tbh. Maybe it was a bad day or whatever. We’ve disagreed in the past without him stepping to a slap fight.