Also offensive: pointing out that English speakers do not use the word “American” to refer to people from Latin America. The term in our language is universally used to refer to people from the country America.
Also offensive: pointing out that English speakers do not use the word “American” to refer to people from Latin America. The term in our language is universally used to refer to people from the country America.
For anyone interested, here’s the modlog , and to recap:
You get corrected by a Brazilian correctly saying they’re also American, and disagree with the US’s imperialist co-opting of that term to exclude the majority of Americans.
You respond to them by denigrating “arrogant spanish speakers” (Portuguese is the language spoken in Brazil btw), and get banned for a week.
You’re even continuing to do racist rants in this very thread, like this comment of yours below
I’m with you on this one Dessalines.
If every mod would do this, we’d have a lot less low-effort posts here from people who are claiming a wrongful ban because they were “just innocently explaining “”“racial truths””" to people".
The cherry picked comments from the “wrongfully” banned person are usually not nearly a juicy as the ones the banning moderator can show.
To be extremely clear, your summary grossly misrepresents what actually happens. Deliberately, I suspect, to back up the fact that the mods banned me and not you despite your extremely blatant violations of the sub’s (and your own instance’s) rules here. Or was it you who abused your admin powers here to silence someone criticising your bad argument?
I have only ever taken issue with Spanish and Portuguese speakers who try to correct my usage of the language, or others who say “American” when they mean person from the country of America. If they simply choose to use estadounidense or some English translation thereof, I have no problem with that. But trying to correct someone else for using the language completely correctly (and the flaws of your source have already been thoroughly debunked elsewhere in this thread, I shan’t bother repeating myself there) makes you the racist (as much as “race” is the right term to use here…which it isn’t, precisely) imperialist here.