This week theme: Are you an addict to stationery?
Are you a beginner, or are you considering if you should start a journal? Ask all your questions here. Are you more experienced? Feel free to share tips, tricks, pictures of your journal, anecdotes. Anything else related to journaling is welcome in this weekly thread, don’t hesitate.
Edit: I forgot to welcome new subscribers. Like, really what was I even thinking?
So—let’s all pretend I did not forget—welcome!
I don’t really do journaling on my freetime, but I do it at work.
At every job I get myself a new notebook, couple of pens of different colour and always mark the date before I just scribble through out the day.
Ideas, notes, remarks, todos, pretty much everything.
More than once I’ve been thankful to myself that I do this when I need to look back at notes and it just helps me organize my head.
I do try to keep it pretty too.
I never considered it like that (I’m my own boss) but I can related to that, and back when I had a regular office job (and a boss) that’s also how I worked. Like you said:
It’s such a great help, I’m always surprised a lot of people is not using it.
The obvious question then is how do you do that? Feel free to not answer, obviously, but you’re more than welcome if you have some suggestions/tips to share with everybody here :p
I guess being your own boss blurs the boundaries of work/freetime :) But indeed! it is amazing and I am also often wondering why is it rare that people do that. I learned this from a uni professor back when I was studying; he said that not only is it for you, but it it is your last backup against accusations that does hold value if you end up arguing with someone who doesn’t have any evidence. That’s a bit hardcore reason to keep notes but I started journaling because of that class.
About keeping it pretty: I’m by no means keeping it as pretty as some people are from what I’ve seen lol! I envy how pretty some people can keep their journals! But I try to mix colors and give meaning to colors:
Now I know that all sounds probably basic and uncreative to some, but since I don’t really have coworkers and a coffee room in my current job I try to take breaks where I do these more “fun” things (or when I need to design something, scribbling helps free the mind!). When I’m concentrated and working I can’t really put much effort into my notes.
I do admit that recently Lemmy has ruined my breaks lol. I’ve been spending my short breaks browsing lemmy… damn you lemmy for becoming so active! /s
How about you? You got any special thing you do to keep it pretty that comes to mind?
A precious teacher, if I may say so.
I also use ink color as an helper and as something I simply like to look at. Like, really. My spouse often is mocking how… fussy I can be about using such or such ink depending the task at hands and, as long as it doesn’t become an hindrance to what I want to do, I must admit that indeed I am ;)
For years, back as a uni student, I also used highlighters in my notes (3 colors, for 3 types of noteworthy stuff), getting older I streamlined all that. Nowadays, I only use blue for note-taking while I read (I do that on index cards or in my pocket notebook), I use black for archiving said note in my note-taking archival system/second brain/Zettelkasten + red ink to add a link to a specific book or ref + green ink for links between two notes (this helps a lot instantly spotting links within my Zettel, it’s a real time saver). And then, I use a brown waterproof ink for fountain pen, I only use it in my journal, because well it’s waterproof and I sometimes use Watercolors in my journal, and because… I like the color :p
Reddit stands no chance ;)
Beside the few inks I use there is not much. I do sketch (badly and I have not done it in a while), and I also like to do (very) simple lettering on the name of each new which I find an efficient way to quickly browse through a journal. Sketching, I find it real fun but I’ve not done it recently because… bad excuses only, I was about to say: there is too much going on , but that’s really a shitty excuse. Let’s say I’m too lazy.
I also tried using those cheap camera-like portable thermal printers and glue them in my journal. It’s fun, dirt cheap (also, people always love received an instant print of themselves or of whatever you just photographed) but you really need to be careful with the quality of the thermal paper you use with it as some will fade and vanish in a mere couple months leaving nothing but a blank paper (don’t ask me how I know that). I still use it from time to time and I would not mind using it more. It’s real fun.
Indeed, I really did enjoy classes of that teacher!
And I can get behind that! Someone mocking you means you are doing something that interests them ;)
And that is a very interesting system you have for archiving, I don’t think I’ve seen someone ever archive important notes to a secondary place - smart and cool! Colors are important to me as well, they give some character to the notes, makes them nicer to look at and read.
And yeah Lemmy has sealed the death of reddit ;) Don’t even notice the difference with activity! (I’m mostly on subscribed view but decided to peek /all and found your post!).
I understand this, it’s true and can’t always stay and work on notes. But not every note needs to be perfect!
Mind sharing which one? Its not a thermal printer but sticking instant photos to notes reminded me of the time I thought about those Fujitsu instax cameras to quickly print images and sticking the small pic on a note. But didn’t go through with this since the photo-paper is quite expensive.
It’s some no brand models (I purchased two, one a dedicated BT printer to pair with my phone, the other is a full camera with a similar thermal printer but no BT pairing) I got on Aliexpress, I think it was there. One is a bright green dinosaur of some sort and the other one is a pink/bright squarish box with pink cat ears because, of course, it has ears and why go serious when you can not go serious at all? ;)
The BT printer one works fine with the iPhone (I just had to manually find the correct app through trial and errors because the link provided in the doc did not work). Unsurprisingly, the dedicated camera one (which does not work as a BT printer for a phone, sadly) is really crappy but still good fun and I think it would be hit for any kid or teen using one with their friends.Also, the camera one was supposed to come with a SD card… It does, it was one of those scam ones with close to zero storage (I was aware it would likely happen but better be clear: don’t consider that card a given, even if it’s featured)
They certainly do not play in the same league as dedicated serious portable photo printer, hence the serious price difference but that’s also the reason why they can be so fun to use: they’re cheap and the thermal receipt paper is even cheaper (and can be found anywhere at least for now, no idea for how long). Their battery is fine and they print rather quickly. All one needs to please friends without throwing money out of the window.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll look into this. Maybe I need to go look for a cat-eared pink camera as well! ;)