So I think moa companions are really cute and charistmatic but other than a blast shield equipped moa being a tankier but much less reliably shooting alternative to a verglass / contaigous bond sentinel I can’t really justify using one over a beast or a sentinel with more useful precepts.
Anyone got any cool moa secrets for me?
My fav moa build has the precepts for minus gravity and aim glide duration so I get insane amounts of hang time
Upvote for this combo! With Zephyr maxed for range and duration and exilus glide mods it allows you to fly from one end of the Plains of Eidolon to the other without ever touching the ground.
Moa’s aren’t amazing, but they’ve got a lot of customization with interesting effects, and they do very well in a support role when using linked health, armor and shield mods. They tend to be my goto for Hildryn - using their shield recharge with her linked shields creates some excellent synergy - she’s basically untouchable.
This is exactly what I do with Death from Above Wisp. Aerodynamic + Aviator and a moa give her about 35 seconds of air time. Match her up with a slam hammer and she’s either invisible or killing everything.
Even more so for Zephyr, though I don’t slam with her.