Anyone else cope with their mental health by joking about it?
My childhood was so absurd I just can’t be serious about it.
I take so many meds when my pharmacist asked me why I take two meds that do the same thing I told him that “that’s just how much my brain is ~~f***ed ~~ messed up”. He didn’t appreciate it.
my spouse tells me that people usually don’t like it when you do that and that’s why I have trouble making friends.
Can anyone relate?
The term “dark humor” has lost its real meaning and nowadays everyone thinks dark humor is just laughing at the frowned upon
As opposed to what edgy teenagers say, “dark humor” is the parody of suffering and it’s not meant to be offensive. It’s like laughing when you get so infuriated
I have ADHD-C and sometimes my family says “Here, your grandpa pills” while giving me my medication. And I occasionally refer to my medication as “government issued meth”
So no I don’t think this is coping. The thing you just experienced is just genuine dark humor
I call my ADHD pills something far worse. I take Vyvanse 70mg, which are half-pink half-blue (in Australia).
Full disclosure, I’m a trans ally and I would never use derogatory language sincerely or in public. When I’m with my mates we call my meds tranny pills and joke that they help me clean the dishes.
I’m aware that tranny is a derogatory term, and it’s sexist to imply washing dishes is a woman’s job.
I’m able to tell my partner is depressed when she starts cracking jokes left and right. It’s the best indicator I have to see she’s having a rough day.
I’d be long dead if I couldn’t laugh at my problems.
Shit still sucks, but at least I get to make shitty jokes to my friends
I’m basically Robin Williams, but not famous.
I hope things get a bit easier for you.
Absolutely. I get ECT treatments, where they use electricity to induce a seizure. When you’re seizing, usually the only thing that moves is your toes. So what do I do, when my trratment happens to fall on April Fools Day? Superglue googly eyes to my toes so they boggle around as I twitch 👀👁👀👁👀 On normal days I wear goofy socks, usually matching some kind of theme for the nearest holiday or season.
I also brought in a Pikachu sticker to try and put on the ECT machine. I couldn’t get away with that, but they did let me put it on the equipment bin that goes along with the machine and the cart it’s on. It lightens the mood a bit.
I have always wondered about ECT. I have horrific images in my head about it. (70’s/80’s child). I’ve heard it’s much better now? If it’s one less med in my body… 🧐
Modern ECT is nothing like the movies. You’re under general anesthesia so you’re unconscious for the whole thing, and they use a paralytic to make sure you don’t convulse and hurt yourself. For my treatments, I usually arrive at the hospital early in the morning and I’m home by lunch time
Have you heard about the awesome sock club from the vlogbrothers? Sign up is currently open. They send one pair every month and the profit goes to a great cause.
Oh and fuck yea googly eyes!
Have you heard about the awesome sock club from the vlogbrothers? Sign up is currently open. They send one pair every month
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I appreciate your humor. If I was the pharmacist, I’d understand your joke and I’d chuckle. People are diverse though, not everyone’s going to find the same things funny. Don’t let your girlfriend discourage you from joking around, it’s a nice thing to find a little fun in your life.
Damn I fucking love dark humor
I definitely do it, and my friends love that about me. You just have to find the right people, who get your jokes. One of my favorite things about my friendships is being able to joke like this together and have it never feel strange. Maybe strangers won’t like it or maybe they will. If they do, they are a potential friend. That’s how I look at it.
Oh absolutely. Between my mental health issues and physical health problems, my sense of humor is pretty twisted and morbid. IMO you just need to find the kinda people that vibe with that humor.
If ya can’t laugh AT me, please laugh WITH me!
Your pharmacist is looking out for you. If I was prescribed two of the same class of painkiller I would expect them to do the same; responding “that’s just how my body is” wouldn’t really make any sense.
My therapist calls it Living By Chemistry. Between my PCP (3), Psych (3) and Gyn (2) I have 8 meds.
Oh wow, do you mind if i start using that?
Not at all. 🤣😁