A week ago, analyst TD Cowen revealed that Microsoft had canceled leases "totalling a couple hundred MWs," with "at least two private data center operators across multiple US markets." The report also details how Microsoft "pulled back on converting negotiated and signed Statement[s] of Qualifications (SQQs)," which it added
The debt doesnt have to be unusual, esp when the projected profits on the debt is less than the money they pay in interest on it. So somebody with actual expertise about the context in which softbank operates and the specific nature of the debt should be able to tell of it is strange or not. Doubt we have that expertise here.
The debt doesnt have to be unusual, esp when the projected profits on the debt is less than the money they pay in interest on it. So somebody with actual expertise about the context in which softbank operates and the specific nature of the debt should be able to tell of it is strange or not. Doubt we have that expertise here.