I usually use the orange 3m foam ones or the silicone ones.
The silicone ones are much comfier and seem to block out the sound just as much. The issue is neither block out the sound enough for me.
I also use white noise and turn the tv on and its not enough.
Does anyone have specific earplug recommendations for sleeping please? Side sleeper here so I can’t use wireless earphones 😢
The problem is that my neighbours keep waking me up in the middle of the night and I always feel exhausted the next day.
Usually it is just around 4-4:40am (every single day) but sometimes it is also around 2-2:30am in addition to that.
Believe it or not this place actually has better noise insulation than the previous one I lived in. At least after they wake me I can sleep in. In the previous place they’d wake me, plus they would wake up at 7am and make really loud noise for an hour.
What noises are they making? Is it talking or music or dogs or what?
I’m going to give similar advice as I just gave someoneb else, so I’m gonna end up sounding like a shill, but: switch up your white noise. You’re trying to block the noise, probably by blocking a pretty wide range of frequencies, but you don’t need to do that; you just need to make the noise more palatable to your sleeping brain, so that you can sleep through it.
I use TMSoft’s White Noise, which has a lot of flexibility. There’s a free version (I think the sound fades out over time) but when I bought the full version it was only like $7. You can mix your own soundscape, which is great. My combo for masking sounds while I sleep is:
This mix easily lets me sleep through most noises, because my sleeping brain interprets “garbage truck” as “extra long thunder” and “children screaming as they play” as “loud, noisy birds”, which evolution then tells my brain to ignore.
And I know it sounds like I’m some kind of mix-master, but it was really just paying attention to what was specifically bothering me with the sound I was creating, and then adjusting for that, which the controls make really easy. Like I said, it turned out the rainstorm was just a little high-pitched for me to have on in the background for a long period, but once I’d made it deeper and a little slower, it was great. [TMSoft also lets you import your own sounds to play around with.]
Anyway, I’d suggest adapting your white noise. And I’m not trying to shill TMSoft, but they’ve given me better sleep than I’ve had in years, but check out any white noise app that lets you adapt your own soundscape. At the very least, go to that Wikipedia page I linked back at the beginning and listen to the difference between the noise samples there, because I really think you want to start with pink or maybe brown noise as your base, then adapt from there.
Good luck!
Thank you!! Well sometimes its just their kids crying, and it’s not just crying it’s like straight up screaming/screetching for a very long time. No idea why they do it in the middle of the night or if that’s normal, they are no longer that small. I’ve never heard any kids do this.
On top of that if they occasionally get up because of it, they will slam their doors super loud so that obviously wakes me too if the screetching didn’t.
I will definitely look more into the different types of noise!
Damn, this is incredible.
I haven’t had to use a noise generator in forever, but I think the one I had let me tune it like you’ve mentioned.
These days the only time I ever need to listen to something at night is when I’m in a real bad place mentally, I usually just blast loud music on my headphones until I get too tired to think or get over it.
Might want to consider a noise complaint then, that’s awful…
Unfortunately that’s not a thing where I live and I can’t move anytime soon 😅