At one point in time I could probably have been convinced to try a lot of things. Fortunately for me (probably) Salvia Divinorum was the first thing I tried after marijuana, and it so thoroughly destroyed any notion I had that I could control my experience that it put me off trying just about everything else I was curious about.
Thank god the entire experience is single digit minutes.
Oh man, I think it’s a fantastic and intense single digit minute experience.
My first time I turned into a big red and white circus tent. The stretching out I experienced was fucking crazy, and I screamed in laughter and horror. It was wild.
I can understand it not being someone’s cup of tea, but the hysterical laughter has been in every salvia trip I’ve done.
I had no hallucinations - they may have been inhibited by my absolute panic.
It was a very long time ago for me but from what I can recall -
I felt immediately mostly disconnected from my body, and like I was constantly falling or about to fall. I essentially laid there starfished on the bed telling myself over and over that it was supposed to be really short and wondering if I’d just killed myself until it passed, then got up and decided I’d never touch that shit again.
Salvia Divinorum
At one point in time I could probably have been convinced to try a lot of things. Fortunately for me (probably) Salvia Divinorum was the first thing I tried after marijuana, and it so thoroughly destroyed any notion I had that I could control my experience that it put me off trying just about everything else I was curious about.
Thank god the entire experience is single digit minutes.
Oh man, I think it’s a fantastic and intense single digit minute experience.
My first time I turned into a big red and white circus tent. The stretching out I experienced was fucking crazy, and I screamed in laughter and horror. It was wild.
I can understand it not being someone’s cup of tea, but the hysterical laughter has been in every salvia trip I’ve done.
I had no hallucinations - they may have been inhibited by my absolute panic.
It was a very long time ago for me but from what I can recall -
I felt immediately mostly disconnected from my body, and like I was constantly falling or about to fall. I essentially laid there starfished on the bed telling myself over and over that it was supposed to be really short and wondering if I’d just killed myself until it passed, then got up and decided I’d never touch that shit again.