Yeah that’s fair. Feel to me like peertube just needs to find a way to monitize the platform. That can also be done from a server by server model. Sorta like every broadcast network runs their own monitization efforts. Either way seems to me that a solution isn’t out of reach and the platform can become quite successful.
I would love to see some easy built-in monetization system for PeerTube. Ideally this could be “micropayments” style subscriptions where you could pay a small amount to subscribe to a channel or a small-amount per video (with batched payments to avoid too high of fees). I would also love to see a “pay what you want” subscription option and tipping.
It would probably need to be plugable so that different payment providers can be used, but even just starting with one would be exciting.
Yeah that’s fair. Feel to me like peertube just needs to find a way to monitize the platform. That can also be done from a server by server model. Sorta like every broadcast network runs their own monitization efforts. Either way seems to me that a solution isn’t out of reach and the platform can become quite successful.
I would love to see some easy built-in monetization system for PeerTube. Ideally this could be “micropayments” style subscriptions where you could pay a small amount to subscribe to a channel or a small-amount per video (with batched payments to avoid too high of fees). I would also love to see a “pay what you want” subscription option and tipping.
It would probably need to be plugable so that different payment providers can be used, but even just starting with one would be exciting.