Also: ~10 years later No Child Left Behind would roll out while I was in early grade school and violently damage schooling in that exact manner again nationwide
NCLB was so bad that a bipartisan Congress in 2015 managed to kill it. My dad worked at a school and I can tell you: literally nobody in the entire district had a nice thing to say about NCLB, multiple told child me that it was going to fuck my generation and those after in schooling
Also: ~10 years later No Child Left Behind would roll out while I was in early grade school and violently damage schooling in that exact manner again nationwide
NCLB was so bad that a bipartisan Congress in 2015 managed to kill it. My dad worked at a school and I can tell you: literally nobody in the entire district had a nice thing to say about NCLB, multiple told child me that it was going to fuck my generation and those after in schooling
I completely forgot about that mess since we didn’t have kids. Yeah, seems like the more we try to fix school in America, the more we fuck it up