They shamefully start article by claiming Russia was unjustified to invade, but then list all of the provocations that forced its hand.
They shamefully start article by claiming Russia was unjustified to invade, but then list all of the provocations that forced its hand.
There were no provocations. After the Soviet Union broke up there was a time that Russia considered joining NATO. A country not wanting to be invaded is not a provocation.
The article is non stop lies like this, “NATO had broken its promise not to expand eastward after the Cold War,”
To be a lie, NATO would have never made the promise to Gorbachev. Every provocation listed is verifiably true.
NATO never made the promise and Gorbachev never even asked.
The verbal promises and announcements were lies, and NATO expansion after the cold war should be understood as “Love for Russia from a purely defensive alliance” that is always committed to truth and will of the people.
Demonic warmongering forever for you trolls.
Which part of “there were no promises” do you not understand?
How was Poland joining NATO demonic warmongering? Russia could even join NATO if she wanted. But Russia would have to give up war and Russia won’t do that.
lol this is like saying “every reason I bet my wife is verifiably true”. Just because a thing happened doesn’t mean it’s actually a reason to beat your wife. Just like the “verifiably true” provocations aren’t actually provocations for the slaughter of Ukrainians.
Losers provoking the war are responsible for the slaughter of Ukrainians, as intended. Wars result in deaths.