TL;DR Is there anywhere you can pin content, that is actually affordable for hobbyists? I only need 1-2 GB. I’ll likely cycle out old pins as I post new blog posts and the site gets updated. I’m looking for sites that cost the same as cloud provider storage. Not the much higher fees all the pinning services seem to be charging for basic pinning.
Longer: I have a small blog that I am hosting on IPFS, it is about 1GB of static content. I am trying to find some pinning services that are actually affordable. But everything is $20/month and up
One of the advantages of IPFS and IPNS was meant to be that we would be able to get cheap distributed storage. To store a static website on Amazon S3 is only a couple cents per month. But all of the pinning services are wanting orders of magnitude above that.
I have a VPC set up that is just pinning my own content. But it would be good to use a more reliable service than my own. But right now all the services price out hobbyists playing with IPFS hosting