A real freedom fighter who is being oppressed for standing up for what he believes in.

  • tusker@monero.town
    1 year ago

    The state claims crypto is not money but property. When you try to sell your property to others they claim you are a money exchange. The slave system is a complete fraud.

    The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH) also weighed in. “Ian Freeman has been sentenced for 96 months for the ‘crime’ of selling bitcoin without the proper government paperwork,” the LPNH post proclaimed. “ Thanks to sound money, the days when tyrants can effectuate edicts like this are numbered.”

  • tusker@monero.town
    1 year ago

    If he had actually scammed people, like the banks do every day, there would be no charges and small fine. It is only when you stand up to the communist “laws” that the hammer is dropped.

    The criminal state does not care about you being scammed or victimized, they only care if you are obeying their criminal mandates or not.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago


    By failing to register his business with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network as required by law, disabling “know your customer” features on his bitcoin kiosks, and ensuring that bitcoin customers did not tell him what they did with their bitcoin, among other things, Freeman created a business that catered to fraudsters. By charging exorbitant fees, Freeman made more than a million dollars.

    Freeman and his co-conspirators opened and operated accounts at financial institutions in the names of various churches including the Shire Free Church, the Church of the Invisible Hand, the Crypto Church of New Hampshire, and the NH Peace Church. Freeman instructed bitcoin customers, who were often victims of scams, to lie to the financial institutions and describe their deposits as church donations. From 2016 to 2019, he paid no taxes, and concealed his income from the Internal Revenue Service.

    You have to pay your taxes…

    • tusker@monero.town
      1 year ago

      By failing to register his business with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network as required by law

      No one got a chance to vote for this “law”, it was criminally foisted upon everyone. This law was made by a violent mafia and it is immoral to impose arbitrary rules on others so it is null and void.

      Freeman made more than a million dollars.

      It is not a crime to make more than a million dollars by defrauding no one.

      Taxes = theft

        • tusker@monero.town
          1 year ago

          If it is extracted at the point of a gun it is theft. Income taxes is the worst one because it is slavery. At least with sales tax I can choose not to buy anything to avoid it.

          The state of everything we see today is exactly because huge sums of money are going to the parasitic state and they fund criminal activities which degrade society. Sending money to war criminals and pedophiles is not “contributing” to society.

          Government should be strictly limited to a handful of essential services and slapped down hard if it tries to expand beyond this.

            • tusker@monero.town
              1 year ago

              Just be reasonable and put on these chains.

              That is the beauty of Monero. We can peacefully rip control back away from the banking elite that have hijacked the state against us. The elites have funded and injected hardcore communist propaganda into the schools and indoctrinated everyone to worship the state knowing full well they have captured the state.

              So ignorant fools end up fighting to expand state power, under the banner of “just be resonable” and in turn ensuring the bankers own them.

        • naphtha@monero.town
          1 year ago

          how much do they pay you?

          You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

          All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

          Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

          You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

          Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

          This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

    • shortwavesurfer@monero.townOP
      1 year ago

      The governmyth argues the church doesnt exist, yet documents filed in NH recognize it as existing. He did require KYC to sell on localbitcoins and the people who were scammed were told to lie to him and instructed on what to say and do to pass the KYC phone interviews he conducted. The governmyth went after him because he spoke out against them, not because he scammed anyone. Hell, one victim was still talking to the scammer and asked the fbi if they wanted their information and were refused. He is a political prisoner who’s “crime” was standing up for liberty in the dictatorship the United States is becoming.

  • makeasnek@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This is not a “paperwork violation”. This guy is exactly the asshat you expect him to be.

    ✅ Article author wearing a MAGA hat in their profile picture, simping for a wannabe dictator who tried to stay in office despite being voted out, tried to block the peaceful transfer of power, and made a similar “paperwork violation” of sending fake electors to congress. Who also engaged in a long list of financial frauds for which he has been sued dozens of times. Birds of a feather.

    ✅ Turns out, at least for this guy, it’s not paperwork, it’s actually not paying taxes for years from the income he made from a unlicensed crypto exchange which touched over 10 million dollars.

    ✅ Turns out it’s not just not paying taxes, it’s also making a fake church charity to avoid taxes and instructing people to lie to their bank and tell them it was a “donation” to a church to avoid raising suspicion.

    ✅ Turns out he made over a million dollars doing this

    Next time you use a public road, library, healthcare, enjoy clean and safe drinking water without getting typhoid, or benefit from any other government service, don’t thank this guy, apparently he’s too selfish and “enlightened” in his libertarian edgelordism to contribute his fair share while he makes over a million dollars. Regular people won’t touch crypto with a ten foot pole due to asshats like this.

    Want crypto to see mainstream adoption? Stop defending let alone idolizing and making martyrs of people like this. There are plenty of people imprisoned for much more noble acts you could pick from, go to Amnesty International, Reporters without Borders, or The Human Rights Foundation for their list if you’re feeling really uncreative in picking your next hero.

    • tusker@monero.town
      1 year ago

      So basically paperwork violations. He did not steal or harm anyone. just refused to obey arbitrary dictates from a degenerate mafia.

      The state is my employee and I decide how much they deserve based on their performance. If I know funds are being used for criminal activity then it is our duty to withhold such funds.

      ✅ Income taxes are theft, it is not a crime to avoid being stolen from. No one is allowed just skim off of your labor without consent, this is called slavery.

      ❌ The roads are crap and falling apart, trillions are being stolen every year, the roads should be deluxe.

      ❌ “Healthcare” is trash, people are sicker than ever. The state has made the price of healthcare skyrocket with criminal incentives and forced scam insurance policies.

      ❌ The water is not clean and safe, it is loaded with toxins which cause many diseases which then are blamed on imaginary viruses.

      ❌ You forgot to mention endless wars and world wide criminal murder campaigns that are being funded with the stolen money known as “taxes”.

      ✅ Monero is the answer to the criminal banking mafia that has hijacked the government. If we are to have government it should be local, accountable, and 100% transparent. Otherwise it is a criminal operation.

      • naphtha@monero.town
        1 year ago

        there is no reason for this post to have -1 score because every single statement is true

        the water is indeed not clean and safe, remember when alex jones said “the water is turning the frogs gay”? he was actually right, the water is so fucking filled with estrogens that its making fish change their sex (fish, unlike humans, can change their sex from external hormones)

        https://youtu.be/i5uSbp0YDhc - video investigating alex jones’ gay frogs





        there is estrogen everywhere, they want you weak, there are estrogens in your water, in your food, in the things you touch and use every single day

        xenoestrogens are perfectly legal. maybe you’re wondering “what about xenotestosterones? are they not a thing?” well, they are a thing, they’re called anabolic steroids and are very illegal

        makes you think huh

        • tusker@monero.town
          1 year ago

          Lemmy is currently filled with zombie NPC’s. If Joe Biden did not say it on TV or it wasn’t echoed by MSNBC they will completely disregard any information, even if there are 1000 independent sources confirming it.

          They have been hit with intense mind-control and chemical toxins which have reduced their thinking capacity to that of a 5-7 year old that puts full faith in the official narrative as if it were their mommy.

          • goatmeal@monero.town
            1 year ago

            I’ve been on the microblogging part of the fediverse for a while. what I’ve seen is, at some point someone’s going to have to rip the bandaid off and instances like lemmy.ml need to defederate from instances like monero.town. they can’t coexist with anyone who doesn’t think the way they do. at some point soon, they won’t be able to talk to you and you won’t be able to talk to them. it’s meant to be.