My friends and I want to start a campaign. We don’t know the ruling for the game. We are waiting for our official book to come in so we can start our first session. Can anyone explain in a simplistic manner the rules for D&D? Classes and Races we will review ourselves. Just want to know the basics.
Besides reading the Basic Rules, which someone else has already linked, I suggest you check out a game on Youtube. Note that usually these aren’t an accurate representation of how most games actually go- Critical Role for instance is comprised entirely of experienced voice actors- but it’ll give you an impression of how the game runs.
Just don’t base your expectations of your players/dm on them.
Why not read the basic rules?
The simplest explanation: roll to hit, then roll for damage. Or roll a save if it doesn’t need to hit. Or roll a skill check if you’re trying to attempt something out of combat.
That’s about it. You can find the details in the rulebooks.
Seconding the basic rules. You can get pretty much the entire vibe of the game from this. You can even create characters!