Not Bluetooth in general. There are specific Bluetooth or BLE profiles instituted by the Bluetooth SIG that makes standards on how to format certain data so that it can be universally read as long as a device supports that profile. There are BLE profiles for SPO2, activity tracking (that nobody uses because they all use proprietary crap because it is faster to implement), as well as audio and like 50 different niches that Bluetooth is used in. It’s quite cool.
Not Bluetooth in general. There are specific Bluetooth or BLE profiles instituted by the Bluetooth SIG that makes standards on how to format certain data so that it can be universally read as long as a device supports that profile. There are BLE profiles for SPO2, activity tracking (that nobody uses because they all use proprietary crap because it is faster to implement), as well as audio and like 50 different niches that Bluetooth is used in. It’s quite cool.
Though I didn’t realize that polar actually were the people driving getting it adopted! it was adopted in 2011 so maybe they even pushed for it specifically because of the m450
I know, I’m pointing out that they were early adopters with Bluetooth smart (now BLE), leading from the m450 & h7 to the h10.