• tiramichu@lemm.ee
    18 days ago

    The problem (to me) is that just about every Star Wars production since the original trilogy is completely juvenile and ridiculous, all action-comedy romps with no substance.

    Rogue One was an exception, and Andor is especially good because it’s genuinely grown-up content made for an adult audience, with serious emotions and high stakes and risks.

    I remember feeling absolutely cheated and lied to when I watched The Force Awakens in cinema (9 years ago now!) after having first seen the trailer.

    The trailer for that movie made it feel genuinely interesting and full of intrigue, but the movie itself was just more puerile nonsense.

    Here, refresh your memory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE

    Epic, right? Shame the movie couldn’t live up to the premise.

    With Andor we finally got some Star Wars that delivers the kind of content I wanted to see back then.