Blizzard has announced that it will ban everyone that uses game-modifying software in Diablo 4, including simple mods.

    2 years ago

    To be honest, if you wait a year or two (or more) until it’s discounted or even deeply discounted, it’ll probably be more worth it anyway. I.E. compare the clusterfuck that Diablo 3 was at launch to the state it’s in nowadays, which is “pretty good”. Not amazing by any means, but worth the low price it sells for during a sale.

    I was in the open betas for Diablo 4 and I have this to say: it’s better than Diablo 3, and has the potential to be good with time. That said, I totally agree with your sentiments. Modern Blizzard is trash. Most of the OG crew have left already. They don’t have the same soul as what they used to have.