She mixed water and powder! Now she’s done “cooking” for the week.
Wow. Look at that chiseled jawline. And her thighs got bigger all the sudden?
This screenshot 🤣
My what strange fingers Bird has. Also this new Kn!x suit looks just like the one AJC wore from H&M in Mexico
This swimsuit is one hundred and thirty-five dollars. Had to type it out, lol. Not even part of the period wear collection. Wild. Also love that it’s Turdie’s doppelganger modeling this on the website
I totally think Joanna had to make up the boss babe woman founders as models thing to get Sarah out of the shoot but still be able to use her for her “community”. But isn’t The Birds Papaya incorporated? Joanna doesn’t agree with Sarah that she’s a business owner?!
Love that it was actual boss babes there…and Sarah wasn’t invited. Bwhahahahahaaaa
Last year they did the trip towards the end of April I think.
This makes me wonder if money’s tight. They are in Miami and there aren’t a whole gaggle of gal pals.
I guess she drew the line at having had produced a product others can buy not just a FUPA and stretch marks!
Excuuuuuuse you, bird has HYDRATION CUPS.
You want a product? Go to any Canadian tire — you’ll see hundreds of them!!
I prefer the H&M version without the ring detail and obviously the price point!
Me too
That is almost identical and so much more affordable.
I hope Peony can finally see Birdie’s selfishness. She shelled out tons of $$$$ and spent days and days walking the Disney parks to fulfill the Turd’s childish wish and her ‘BFF’ can’t get off her ass and go to the party because a cat, she openly said she didn’t like, died. She said the cat spent her last day in a box she put out for her so it wasn’t sudden - it was planned. Bird is the ultimate me person and no one comes before her. I’m sure there were many reasons she didn’t want to go and it was convenient to put the cat down right before the event to give her an out. She could go do a photoshoot for the nails while the cat was on death’s door!
I truly don’t get why these people continue to be friends with her when she doesn’t treat them half as well as they treat her. If I were NB and Bri I’d just ditch Birdie altogether because she isn’t a good friend to them whatsoever.
The fact everyone dropped everything to fly off to Disney for birdies 40th yet she couldn’t get over her spouses cat passing to go to her friends bday a half hour away? It’s pathetic and I’d be so hurt if I were Bri. Especially seeing all the other things she got up to despite the cat dying.
Right! Selfish twat she is.
And she can go meet up with other friends? AM is missing 1/2 her body. I guess this Disney group of girls aren’t as close as they wanted everyone to think .
And to post this with a big smile while missing your besties bday. So shallow
What is this stupid face. At first I thought it was Turdie posing with fans. I bet she makes it so she can be in the middle for that exact illusion
This was interesting! I thought they were at the airport but maybe something for the kids sports? Birds picking besties who she thinks she can outshine…
Does she even have her kids on Sunday nights? I remember the sob story days when she would get McDonald’s pancakes delivered on Sundays before she had bring them back to their dad’s. AM blurring out the sign in the background is quite funny considering a lot of people know Birds exact address. I think it’s Mohawk Casino.
They prob sick of her talking to herself to her phone in her stupid valley girl voice at 40. I love that Bailey didn’t post one photo of being out with Birdshit but posts stories on every other thing or person she is with while in TDot.
Yup! She’s obviously super jealous that all her friend group is getting all the things now and she’s not. Clearly she’s ok to do everything BUT go to her " besties" birthday get together. I hope B sees her true colors now.
I bet she got work done at the “medspa” in Toronto and it didn’t heal as fast as she’d hoped. She couldn’t risk unfiltered photos from others.
She’s 100% hiding her face.
Wonder if she’s doing the Knix reveal this week? She needs to keep up - the other woman who typically go to the shoot are natural and that’s their beauty. Sarah’s always posing to look like her instagram. I hope people wise up - she’s a selfish and childish woman.
She is knix worst model. Clear to see on their page. She gets the bare minimum.
There’s a trip…boss babes needing R&R. So she’ll be there 🙄 (but I really, really hope she’s left out this year).
Lmfao. Birdshit is the last person deserving of R&R. It’s almost insulting to us actual hard working boss babes who do the most everyday, balancing jobs, children, the household and other activities.
She had it rough last week! It’s a lot of work to have to go out to a restaurant everyday 😉
And playing Sims on the couch
Oh is this why Alice is in town? So they can fly together?
And go for dinner…AND breakfast too
Now she’s talking about not “grieving right” borrowing content from her newest groupie Renee. I hope her fake friends realize she isn’t even worth being fake friends with. But maybe that’s already happening and that’s why she spent time with Alicia and who ever the other person was. She’s just such a looser!
She’s so pathetic. I’m still so baffled that she was able to go have fun last night but couldn’t go to her so called “best friends” birthday? Even for an hour to show up for your friend? I’ll never understand why these people think being friends with her is worthwhile. They all have their own things going on now, they really don’t need her.
Is she crying over the cat or the fact that BT didn’t hire her? A lot of speculation that was the big opportunity she was going for!
Really? I could NOT imagine her carrying a show even with a cohost. She is so awkward every time she has been on tv. She isn’t a good speaker, she cares too much about her appearance, she isn’t smart/has no valid input on life issues, she’s hardly funny. It’s no wonder she didn’t get hired.
Lmao 🤣 remember the time she looked like her legs were on backwards because she was sitting so awkwardly?
She’s such an uncomfortable weirdo when she’s on tv. I bet they looked at all her past tv appearances and they couldn’t rip up her resume quicker lol
As if she ever had a chance.
That would require her to leave the house wouldn’t it? Did she really apply?
Not sure. I can’t really see her doing that commute everyday. I think her big career opportunity was thinking she could be in a Disney movie or some sh!t 🤣
Omg they would never hire her.
Grieving right??? Is she using her husband’s dead cat for content? Wow…how low will she go!
That was the photographer that had to fetch Alice ice for her feet at Disney.
Seeing the people and spread and gifts brought to B’s birthday really sheds light on how out of place Turdie would have been. I can’t see her contributing anything at all, material or conversation, just sitting there recording herself and making her faces about everything
What’s Alicia’s excuse for not going?
Can’t leave poor fragile birdies side who’s mourning a cat she’s never acknowledged
Trying hard to prove that she is the #1 bestie. I wonder if Trash offered her a ride to the party?
Birds emotional support it seems. It all seems very manipulative!
She and AM went out to two restaurants but she can’t go to her BFF’s birthday
It’s the anxiety, it’s the IBS, it’s low mental health. Definitely not from restricting calories
Has she been forgetting to choose joy? That always fixes her right up!
And IBS doesn’t cause weight loss. She’s using that as an excuse for not eating. What a sicko
She’s an idiot. I have IBS. I should be the size of a twig if that was the case…
I feel ya…
I’m sorry she’s so full of shit. And IBS is on her illness score card? Since when? She sure doesn’t eat like someone with IBS.
I forgot about the IBS too! I think I put up a mental block because I just remembered all those posts she did from the toilet for a while while she was milking that self-diagnosis. It was during the era when she shilled for those anti bloat pills because they fixed her right up. Wait! Was that IBS or her lactose intolerance? It’s so hard to keep it all straight
💀 looks just like the all the selfies she takes.
Terrifying. I love how J takes these pictures 😂
I have to admit, I’m laughing my a$$ of at this, but also pissed off at you for the jump scare LOLOLOL
That hair is CRISPY!
What the actual fuck is going on with those eyebrows? Why do the look like they’re half gone, and what’s left is SO dark? 🤣 Also, heavy eyelids like that don’t just magically become smooth with 3 inches of space above them. What a fucking phony.
Bwhahahah. WOW!!! She’s sooooooo hot! 🤮
It’s like she feels the need to up her cringe factor on a daily basis.
Cringe through the roof. Her skin muddled and so obviously airbrushed. Good I hope she loses a large chunk of following soon.
I wish her following would wake the f up and open their eyes to her lying bull shit
Is she seriously in a bathing suit, at home, in front of her mirror…AGAIN?
HOW F’N EMBARRASSING!!! EveIt’s new Kn!x swim drop. Quick click my link!
This dried out nobody wasn’t even at the new launch trip. I hope no one clicks her links
She’s still acting like this is a new revelation 🤡
The difference in size here compared to the picture you posted up above is crazy. I have no idea what this woman truly looks like. She’s crazy.
This is more of her actual size. She’s the biggest p.o.s
She needs therapy soooooooo bad but if she does go to therapy she probably blames things on everyone else aside from herself
I wonder if she’s still writing that book? It should be called 101 Ways To Manipulate
Imagine her actually putting out a book and like needing to go on a book tour? I bet she wouldn’t even promote the book because she wouldn’t want the public to see her.
She’s not tiny at all. Look at the width of her waist compared to what she posts
Also…looks how wide she is. She’s a fraud
Says the woman who has no idea what shame is. 😂
Yet she’s sucking in…you can see it at the ribs and her stupid face
Meanwhile she hates what she’s grabbing in this pic and wishes she didn’t hype it up so much so she can cut it off. You can see it in her eyes
Didn’t get invited on the big Knix trip, so instead is semi-naked in their bikinis instead for the gram. So embarrassing
She looks super tiny here, she’s such a mind fuck. And also super cringe.
Why is this happening she asks? Because you shop too much? Because you’re lazy?
She’s so fucking lazy. Instead of making a video about this why don’t you actually oh idk put the coats away? Once again, no other content so this is all she’s got.
Seriously. I swear she just wanders around her house with nothing to do, looking for a selfie moment and thinking up any sort of caption to add to justify posting it, recording every thought and sharing it as social media content. Wow, coats hung up in your front hall by the doorway! Whoa!!!
And then she goes and does it again 😂 making sure to point out again that it’s messy and that this is all just part of her big career work from home job lol
She’s really working these joggers and poses to make it look like she has an hourglass figure.
They look awful on her lol
When was the last time she wore Roots sweats?! Like come on!! She posts every waking hour, it most certainly is almost NOT always Roots
She’s never in roots…
Maybe teach your grown kids to not leave their bookbag in the doorway?! Honeslty, no shade but 3 teens and 2 unemployed adults have a messy house?! Like how?
THIS!!! I remember a story last year she made about collecting millions of glasses from her kids rooms and throwing them under the bus for it, well why don’t you teach them to bring their mess to where it belongs? It works both ways. Kids will just be as lazy as the person taking care of them and clearly their mother is the laziest messiest slob.
Those kids clearly have zero responsibility around the house.
Omg. How many posts with these stupid poses. Soooo cringe!!! Stand like a normal human!
Not that she gives a sh!t but I wonder if she thinks Roots is a Canadian owned company!
So now she’s posting bragging pictures of how many jackets she has?? Great content. So relatable, especially in these times. Unreal
Oh and the color of her walls looks like cover up.
And the diamond checkerboard is so tacky and doesn’t match 🤮
It matches the collars of all those jackets! 😝
How annoying for the other people who live in the house who require a coat hook as well. Surely not all of these need to be right at the front door and can be moved. Also, wow, cool story, Turdie
Are we supposed to notice how small all her coats are?
First time this poor kid has seen the light of day for 7 months! And where is the other daughter who’s not at U of G?? Sick of her mothers shit?
Strangely, Shame has a cup in his left hand. Most parents or people would instinctively have the cup in their right hand, freeing up their left hand for their child. It’s such a small thing, but it showcases Shame’s disinterest in his kid. Look at his body language compared to 🍋 big brothers.
Alicia had a video after she got home talking about how L had big feelings (aka meltdowns) and how it warmed her heart to see how good the big kids were with her. How they validated her and walked her through her big feelings. Very telling she didn’t say shit about Bird. She’s always accidently exposing her and I love it.
Oop this exposes 🐦 and shame so bad wow. You’d never even know Lemon gets big feelings because 🐦 just acts like she’s a little baby Disney character who’s all about bunnies and birds. So basically our suspicions are right that everyone cares for this kid aside from her parents, goodness how sad. 🐦 just posts her cute little moments for content while the older kids have to care for her when she isn’t having her cute moments.
I can see Turd lying down on the couch looking at her phone while L is crying/shrieking/whatever and everyone else is tending to her. Maybe she looks over for a second
He’s a lazy sack.
I hope after the photo op that he ended up switching the cup to his other hand so Lemon could hold his hand but I have my doubts
I doubt it.
I’m glad they finally took her outdoors (not sure why they couldn’t all winter???) but of course it came with her needing to wear the body cam to get some footage. Just can’t let the kid live her life and have some fun without making content.
I’m sure J will make an appearance now that she’s been mentioned.
Omg you TOTALLY called it!!! Tell me you read here bird without telling me you read here.
We don’t see much of her anymore
Sorry, I just noticed her face is not blurred!
Who does it better 🐦 vs 🗻
Gross grifters. They remind me of the evil stepsisters from Cinderella.
A young woman died but it’s all about Big Bird
As usual she’s the focus. She could’ve cropped the picture or just posted one without herself in it. 🙄
Even in death.
Always has been, always will be.
Must film myself eating. Must announce it’s GLUTEN FREE!!!
Sarah’s brain operates like a sieve. Every pointless thought dribbles out. It must be torture living with her.
What’s up with all these dents in her face lately?
The Brandi Granville affect with all of the procedures she has done
I love that for her!
Like who tf cares. You’re at your daughter’s competition, it’s not even her own activity/hobby. Sharing every bit of this normal, maybe even mundane, family trip. The peephole of the door saying people were loud but she didn’t want to tell them to be quiet. SO INTERESTING! Now you’re eating something and share it? Come on. Her platform can dry up faster, please.
Who’s even following her for real. She’s so lame. It’s embarrassing
Right?? It’s so lame I’m embarrassed to even snark on it. Nothing she has posted has been worthy of being posted for any follower size
Sitting on the hotel room FLOOR to eat. Keep it classy birdshit 👌🏼
Her sitting on a hotel floor to eat made me SICK. She is so gross.
And this… why are you tagging an actual celebrity? Who are you?!? A regular citizen who was given a platform under the guise of “body positivity” except you’re a fake, phony fraud. Kelly rocks her body - you birdshit are a self conscious liar. Go wash that corn broom you call hair
Again with the regular Joe stuff… washing your hair and going away for your daughter’s event… cooooool… So sad, first sharing an unaffiliated link to very popular Roots sweatpants of all things, now tagging a celebrity… screams ‘Please notice me and give me sponsorships and a spotlight!! Please!!!’
The desperation is real with this one.
Yep - yesterday’s recycled bikini photo only got around 250 comments when those are usually the posts that get her the most attention. I wonder if she bought the Knix gift card herself because her engagement is so low?!
A 40 yr old doing duck lips…and looking like she has a moustache…I’m ill.
Lmao I thought that was so cringe acting like she’s besties with Kelly because she’s wearing her shirt. Like you said, Kelly rocks her body no matter what size she is and doesn’t hide behind filters. She doesn’t need love from a fake like Birdie.
(I’m also super upset she’s going to my fave city, but not like she’ll take any of it in).
She’ll track down some gluten free bagels at best.
I’m sure Kelly Clarkson is thrilled to know bird shit is washing her hair today.
Is her forehead normally this big?
That blonde isn’t Birdie and she doesn’t seem to be at the Knix bathing suit shoot this year! Wonder what’s up!
I couldn’t help it and looked at the reel. It’s like they replaced her with a duplicate!
Birdie must LOVEEE her
Hmmm… interesting :) That woman looks a lot like birdie though lol
It’s a little uncanny
The resemblance is wild! I can’t believe she’s not there! Still time to make it?
I couldn’t see a handle tagged - anyone know who she is? 👀