Users are unimpressed, eager to toss devices if test sticks.

    4 days ago

    Go look at the down votes on all your posts and just how universally unpopular your take is - That’s called being wrong. That’s fine, you can be wrong sometimes, that’s okay. It doesn’t define you, but stop digging in the wrong direction.

    I can pay for music, I often don’t on principal. I work to find other ways to contribute to artists as directly as I can (patreon, merch, shows, etc). I’m not alone in that. You had some weird guilt socialized into you that tells you your value is in what you spend and own. Protest at any level is valid. Copyright law is bullshit, DMCA takedowns are bullshit, DRM and digital streaming music that you never actually legally own is all bullshit. Anything you can do to make that broken system nervous or hurt is a great and valuable thing to broader society.

    You are unequivocally wrong here, you’re the last person to realize that, but you still can realize it here and now today and go forward from here. How about it, take the olive branch, bud?