Mt grandmother, when talking about vaccines, said to me “Every year you’d go to school. And every year students would slowly stop showing up because they died or got polio and went into an iron lung” and it affected her so badly. Her own sister did not make it and got…something. she wouldn’t say what to us, but whatever is was was devastating.
We’re about to get one.
There’s a nice old American man I know. He told me a story about his class going on an outing to the beach just before spring break. When they returned he found out that one of his classmates had died from Polio.
He was so angry at the existence of anti-vaxxers and their bullshit privilege that herd immunity gives them.
No worries you’re gonna get that reminder soon enough
And that might just be the real reason for this “policy”
The best argument for fears of vaccines, is higher life expectancy and lower child mortality that resulted from them.