Finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations .
Great game. Loved the story, the new and the returning characters, and the cases themselves.
The game made me hate certain characters, and really annoyed at certain other ones, which shows how well everything was written.
It’s the best Phoenix Wright game yet.
Next in the series is Apollo Justice. Not going to get it right away, but will probably get it later this year.
Started Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition !
It’s nice to see it getting great reviews, though I have just seen the numbers and haven’t actually read anything or even watched most of the trailers. Wanted to go as blind as possible.
I am only about an hour and half in, so can’t say anything about it, but my first impression is that the game mechanics in start are more overwhelming, at least when compared to XC 3, but it is an older game.
I do like the weapon system though, but I haven’t gotten the full understanding yet.
One thing I didn’t like is that I’ll have such a big list of party members but ca have only 4 in my party at a time. I always have FOMO when leaving out my party members. This is something I loved in XC 3. But that’s for the future, I don’t even have 4 people in my party yet.
Played a bit more of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
I was playing as Elf mage, but as I mentioned my FOMO with party members above, I have same issue with different classes, and I am not going to play such a big game twice, so I started new game on other save as Qunari warrior. And while I enjoyed playing that, I realised game isn’t different enough with different classes to worry about it too much, so went back to playing my elf mage.
I am about 10 hours in, and am still enjoying the game. Different locations have different biomes and feel very different from each other. There are quests for different locations, factions and companions. You get (slightly) different dialogue depending on your race, class and faction.
One issue about companions, during quest conversation, companions don’t intervene at all. I have been bringing companions that match the faction for the sidequests, but during the conversation where I am getting the quest, or talking with someone that progresses the quest, it’s just me and the NPC. For main quests, there is generally one companion that is required to be in party, and that one does take part in the quest, but other than that it’s just like I am alone.
Companions do talk during the quest, giving their opinions and suggestions, and also talking with each other about things that have happened or the location they are currently visiting, but if they had added a snippet or two from relevant companions for side quests too, that would have improved the experience much more.
I’ll probably be playing just these two games for the forseeable future, specially since I am going to be quite busy for next couple of weeks and won’t have too much time to play games.
What about all you? What have you been playing?
I’m playing through Shin Megami Tensei IV on the 3DS, so good! I’m a sucker for the SMT games and it’s making me want to get V on the switch, so I’ll probably be doing that soon. Also, I really enjoy the 3D effect and play with it on consistently.
I’m still finishing ToTK, as I’m 100% it and it just takes an insane amount of time I simply do not have. And as always Animal Crossing on the switch.
I’ve also booted up ZombiU on the Wii U and am playing through that again late at night. It really encapsulates how much of a missed opportunity the Wii U was. What a fantastic, unique gaming experience it is.
P.S. I am tempted to buy XCX on the Switch, as I played it religiously on the Wii U, but I’m still mad they shut down the servers when I was still playing with some friends online and enjoying the social aspect it brought. So, I’ll probably just start over and play it on the Wii U single player.
100%-ing TotK does sound like it will take forever - it means like visiting all reas on the map, getting all korok seeds, photographing everything, right? Did you 100% BotW as well? I felt like I did quite a lot of optional stuff in BotW, but still wasn’t anywhere close to 100%
I 100% it about a year after TotK came out, what took so long is I went back on Master Mode and started 100% that. And then I bought TotK and got to work lol. I enjoy 100% as it’s not something that takes a lot of brain power and I only do it after I beat a game normally, so I can progress the story at a normal pace.
I have been interested in SMT V, but am afraid of the difficulty, I am not very good at these games.
I can understand not wanting to pay again for a game, specially when they stop supporting it. There are some quality of life changes in Switch version though, if you need a reason to justify buying it again. Nothing wrong with playing on Wii U again, if you don’t care about those though.
Should not be too much of a problem.
I didn’t find the Normal setting too hard, but if you struggle with it there’s an Easy difficulty and IIRC you can change it at almost any time. And there’s even a Free DLC adding a Super Easy “Safety” mode.
Interesting. Didn’t know that. Thanks for the info!
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s enough improvements to justify $60 again, but I’m a cheapskate.
No, $60 isn’t a small amount, and very few games are worth buying again (in my opinion).