Now, when you get there, they gonna take away your name, give you a number and a sledgehammer, and say, “Get to work!” One word of sass, they cut out your tongue. And they good at it, too. You won’t bleed out. Oh, they does that real good! They gonna work ya all day, every day 'till your back give out. Then, they’re gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the nggr hole.
Self deport or what? The Gulag? For life? Even soviet Russia had show trials and sentences of 10-20 years.
If they leave now, they might be able to return under a future non-fascist administrstion.
If they get forcibly removed, they end up in an el salvador concentration camp.
So that’s their options. Kinda like a “pick your method of execution” scenario.
The illusion of choice.
Sell them to El Salvador
Yeah… Do they even know the names of the people they’re sending? Do they start referring to them by a number instead?
Now, when you get there, they gonna take away your name, give you a number and a sledgehammer, and say, “Get to work!” One word of sass, they cut out your tongue. And they good at it, too. You won’t bleed out. Oh, they does that real good! They gonna work ya all day, every day 'till your back give out. Then, they’re gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the nggr hole.
If that’s going to happen anyway, might as well happen the first day.