My wife’s company (pharmaceutical) is closing most of their offices in the states. Her job was relocated to Ontario, so while it is not Alberta, we may be becoming Canadian.
Ontario is also a good pick. I actually also work in the US Healthcare industry from Canada. It’s surprising how much of the private health care revenue ends up leaving the country.
How possible is it to become a citizen in Canada? Everything I can find online says you either need a Canadian spouse or a Doctorate with a job lined up to make it happen.
I’ll give my all if another country will take me, but I can’t find any way out of this hell
The usual path is through permanent residency. If you reside within Canada for about three years on a PR card you can apply for citizenship.
You can get PR via a spouse or skilled/point based application. One hack to gain a lot of points is to practice your French, if you can score even moderate fluency in French and apply to reside within Quebec things get significantly easier.
Another large entry opportunity is asylum seekers and LGBT+ folks can have a far easier time requesting entry though that is country of origin based and while the US has been considered as being declared dangerous for LGBT+ people it is not currently so as Canada considers interior migration (i.e. moving from Louisiana to Vermont) to be a reasonable path to safety. That may change depending on US federal laws though.
Honestly, that’s a lot more hopeful than what one found myself. I really hope it’s not something I have to seriously pursue, but every day makes it feel more likely.
Take an extended vacation to Canada. Alberta is affordable and could use some more naturalized citizens to help vote out the Conservatives.
My wife’s company (pharmaceutical) is closing most of their offices in the states. Her job was relocated to Ontario, so while it is not Alberta, we may be becoming Canadian.
Ontario is also a good pick. I actually also work in the US Healthcare industry from Canada. It’s surprising how much of the private health care revenue ends up leaving the country.
Her company is basically pulling out of the states all together from what we understand.
How possible is it to become a citizen in Canada? Everything I can find online says you either need a Canadian spouse or a Doctorate with a job lined up to make it happen.
I’ll give my all if another country will take me, but I can’t find any way out of this hell
The usual path is through permanent residency. If you reside within Canada for about three years on a PR card you can apply for citizenship.
You can get PR via a spouse or skilled/point based application. One hack to gain a lot of points is to practice your French, if you can score even moderate fluency in French and apply to reside within Quebec things get significantly easier.
Another large entry opportunity is asylum seekers and LGBT+ folks can have a far easier time requesting entry though that is country of origin based and while the US has been considered as being declared dangerous for LGBT+ people it is not currently so as Canada considers interior migration (i.e. moving from Louisiana to Vermont) to be a reasonable path to safety. That may change depending on US federal laws though.
Honestly, that’s a lot more hopeful than what one found myself. I really hope it’s not something I have to seriously pursue, but every day makes it feel more likely.