I enjoy experimenting with different builds and classes, and thus always have a need for new equipment of different stat varieties. For armor, I like to utilize the Bladed armor set, which has selectable stats, exotic rarity and is available in all weight classes. It’s also comparatively fairly easy to farm for, since most pieces can be bought with a combination of local currency and gold, while the chestpiece can be obtained through an event that regularly gets organized runs.
Unfortunately, armor is only part of what one needs to fully equip a character. So far I’ve been getting by with crafting, but there are prefixes that I don’t have the recipes for, and no way to obtain them.
So, are there any reasonably simple ways to farm for weapons, trinkets and back items of exotic rarity and with selectable stats? I only own the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire expansions atm, so anything within those limitations would be cool.
A recent change made stat selectable exotics in World Versus World easily accesible. You’d have to play some WvW though to acquire the currencies.
Looks like I’m going to have to figure that out then, because that’s by far the most straightforward way to get gear that I’ve seen so far. Thanks for the advice!
You’ll want a couple Gift Of Battles on hand anyways. The currency is also relatively easy to get and not timegated.
The game mode is a little overwhelming to get started in but feel free to ask questions.
In pve? Not too many. There are some achievements in LWS1 and LWS2 that give exotic trinkets, but some can only be done once per account.
Frankly, it would be easier to buy LW Season 3- specifically the Bitterfrost Frontier and Bloodstone Fen episodes and farm winterberries with different characters daily, which is enough for a new trinket every few days. All can be bough in Bitterfrost except the amulet, which you can get from Bloodstone Fen.
If you end up buying all of the living world seasons, The “Return To…” achievement offers a convenient way to work towards a legendary amulet while making enough map currency for ascended trinkets along the way.
You can get stat selectable exotic backpacks from the lunar New Year event. The backpacks are also on the TP.
Low-key, raid legendary armor is super easy to get (6 weeks of moderate investment, less if you have LI already, and you get a set of ascended armor halfway through for your troubles to gear a build of a diff armor weight since envoy1 isn’t a precursor set) and makes gearing a whole host of builds waaaaayyyyy easier. Def been a big qol increase
@pixel @Flynn_Mandrake I’ve never once seen anything in thr training LFG except people selling raids. If you’ve got a giuld that does statics and doesn’t mind showing you the ropes, it might be easier. I disagree with the statement that it’s easy in general however.
The raids themselves are really no harder than the fractals, once you’ve got the mechanics down. Getting the practice is the problem. Emboldened mode might help with that.
Just join skein gang/raid academy/the crossroads inn depending on NA/EU, it’s actually trivially easy to get into raids if you know what resources the community has – knowledge is the only hump you really have to get over