How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) écrit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingénieur, écrivain de science-fiction, développeur de logiciels libres.
That was a great read. ICQ…man that takes me back. How do we let someone make money off the Fidiverse, without giving them any control? I’m new here but I am excited about the possibilities. Internet the way it was supposed to be. Still, it will never be the platform I want, without some investment. Who’s going to invest? Will it be an open, crowd-souce volunteer system? Will that ever make it good enough?
And this right here is the disease’s expression: “How do we make money off of …”
Get out of the capitalist “your bank balance is your worth” mindset and just … you know … enjoy something for enjoyment’s sake without looking for some way to grift.
That was a great read. ICQ…man that takes me back. How do we let someone make money off the Fidiverse, without giving them any control? I’m new here but I am excited about the possibilities. Internet the way it was supposed to be. Still, it will never be the platform I want, without some investment. Who’s going to invest? Will it be an open, crowd-souce volunteer system? Will that ever make it good enough?
And this right here is the disease’s expression: “How do we make money off of …”
Get out of the capitalist “your bank balance is your worth” mindset and just … you know … enjoy something for enjoyment’s sake without looking for some way to grift.