Love a happy ending:
“First, let me say that I have apologized to the Timonets and I am hopeful that my scheduled meeting with Kaylee’s mom will rectify this situation and allow Kaylee to enjoy the remainder of her senior year at Walker High School,” St. Pierre said. “As principal of Walker High School, I am faced daily with many difficult decisions for the interest of our students and employees that are never taken lightly. Please know that I always strive to place our students first in every decision. It is for that reason that I have taken this corrective action,” he added.
Livingston Parish Public Schools Superintendent Joe Murphy told FOX 8 on Monday that St. Pierre has requested to take leave for the rest of the academic year. “Walker High School Principal Jason St. Pierre has requested to take leave for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year. The district office is awaiting his paperwork to process his request,” Murphy said.
Looks like principal morality police here won’t have a job come next year.
I believe she lost her scholarship due to this and I’ve seen no claims yet that it was restored. Her mom was saying he waited until after the deadline to restore the scholarship recommendation.
Then she has measurable financial damages & should sue the shit out of the school district to be made whole.
Yeah this is a pretty clear cut first amendment violation imo
He should be forced to pay her out of his own pocket and be fired
One can only hope he’s nowhere near a position of power with kids again. What a tremendous piece of shit. Of course he brought religion into a conversation about a girl having the audacity to enjoy life. It’s like he couldn’t wait to say the quiet part out loud.
This Guy’s the type to sexually assault minors. He’s showing all the signs
Please know that I always strive to place our students first in every decision.
Erm… no, Mr Principal… as per your previous statement, you place “the lord” first. Whatever that means to you at the time.
There’s an update to this story. Found it at the end of the article.
Louisiana principal apologizes for punishing student’s off-campus dancing
Public school principal reinstates 17-year-old’s leadership role and scholarship endorsement and requests leave for rest of school year
Nah. He’s going to have to work unpaid for the rest of the year and have John Lithgow yelling at him the whole time.
Why the fuck is a public school principal lecturing students on faith and God’s will?
I have no idea why would want to bring bronze-age superstitions into a modern learning environment.
Because it’s the Bible belt (not defending it, but it’s the norm here)
Our species is on the brink of self-destruction on numerous fronts due to the private profit motive bastardizing world economies and new technologies to work against the species that created them.
How should we address these many crises, nitwits of the human race?
“Dancing and women having sex for pleasure must be stopped!”
Bread and circuses
That’s why I’m enjoying climate change coverage so much.
Non-binding feel good agreements, capitalist snake oil to sell yet another vaporware “solution” to the problem their greed caused and continues to cause, constant reframing of new, increasingly dire projections as we blow through red lines.
"Oh hey, it’s me, job creator billionaire at your service.
I know we knew what emissions were doing and covered it up to keep profits rolling in for decades, but I have the solution to the problem, and yes I sell it, let me introduce you to
corn based ethanol!clean coal!planet scale carbon filters! Will that be cash or charge?"All the while, as I read, I chuckle at humans doing what they do best, trying to delude themselves into ignoring reality, as if they’re trying to bargain with the physical reality humanity has created eyes wide open. Our reverse terraforming of Earth doesn’t care why we did it, or the bullshit we lie to ourselves about it though. It’s here.
It’s better in the long run too, if we accelerate hard enough, maybe there wont be enough of our cockroach species left to rebuild and forget all the lessons of what we did as is tradition and inflict ourselves on this planet and all other life on it again.
This is the reason why local and all elections matter. We need to kick the trumpy grumpies out and keep them off the school boards and anywhere else. Don’t forget failure to do so means more kids getting exposed by prageru more don’t say gay bills and erosion of other rights. Our world is depending on us to kick the trumpy grumpies out so rational discussions can at least start.
This is the basic plot to the film Footloose.
Religious zealots want to forbid dancing and dancers should be ashamed of themselves.
What I think has happened here is that the Principal did not look at this video with the lens of kids having fun but instead as something more adult. He is likely ashamed of his own feelings that he felt when he watched the video and is hiding behind religion and fake moral outrage. He redirected his own shame to this poor kid who has now missed out on a chance for a scholarship. He should not be in a position of authority in the education system.
He should not be in a position of authority
in the education system.Ftfy
Dude it’s not Iran.
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