And with what player count?
I’ve been showing a few of my friends the Star Wars Deck Building Game and Star Realms quite a bit. Loving them. Most of the time I’m only playing two player games. Another that I replay a lot is Hive.
There’s games I like more, but that I don’t seem to get to play very often. Maybe I need to be proactive about setting up game nights!
I think I’ve played Lords of Waterdeep more than anything else. I like playing with two players a lot, and it’s got such an easy learning curve. It fits most game nights and I play it frequently.
Lords of Waterdeep seems pretty fun and replay-able, I might have to pick it up! I have some family that I don’t see all that often and I wanna find some games that become our go-to games when we’re together. Super tired of Scrabble. Couldn’t get my brother to try War of the Ring
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Cascadia Ticket to Ride Horrified
I’ve been wanting to pick up Hogwarts Battle to play with my wife! We’re playing Arkham Horror the card game right now, so maybe after
Push your luck pirates.
Constantly tuning your strategies due to new cards drawn or after seeing cards an opponent has played.Usually with 2P online at or 4-5P at game meetups.
It’s short, sweet and has a good gambling element to clinch some last gasp wins from nowhere.
Star Realms
Star Realms, Cubitos, Spots and Scout come out a lot. When it’s time for a longer game we do A Feast for Odin regularly or Barrage.
Spots is so great. One of my new favorites
Patchwork was played 59 times and is my most played by a large margin. Most of those plays have been on bga, but 40% in person. I play it against myself too, very relaxing, like other people build puzzles, i would assume
Solo: Marvel Champions (but now I’m gettig into Arkham Horror LCG)
with friends/pub: The Crew - Mission Deep Sea
with friends: Dominion
with my children: 5Minute Dungeon
Been enjoying Arkham Horror LCG with my wife! Hoping I can find expansions used online
Framework for sure. It plays 4 Can’t Stop is a good time filler. It also plays up to 4.
Both of these are good even at 2 players.
By far Dominion, usually 2 to 4.
Picked up dominion recently and am hoping to play regularly with family. I’m already tempted to look into buying an expansion or two…
The expensions adds a lot to the game.
Coup if I’m playing with 3-5 Player. Quest with more tan 5 players.
Our collection is not gigantic and we tend to play our new games a lot, maybe for a couple of weeks or months before buying a new one.
I think we played original Dominion for 9 months almost every day before adding to the collection. Everdell, Castles of Burgundy and Clank are others we have played a lot. Recently we have played a lot of Ark Nova
I’ve been enjoying Dominion as well. Have had my eye on Clank for a while, I think I love deck builders. Never heard of Ark Nova, I’ll have to look into it. Rotating through games might be a good idea, I have a friend who owns around 100 games, many he’s never played, and I kind of want to avoid that collectors mindset…
Gang of Dice, 3 player
Carcassonne, 2 player
Mind Up, 3 player
Big City, 3 player
Basically anything my young ones like.
Go, a.k.a. Baduk. I’ve played it thousands of times and there’s no expansions and cards yet every single game is shockingly different in a “what the heck just happened” way. I love it. Emergent life on a board.
Love go! I have not had many opportunities to play it unfortunately, but I hope to one day have a friend who will regularly play games with me
I once played Star Wars until exhaustion with my friends, then on my own. Those were wonderful times. Now online mail projects have replaced worthwhile offline games that you can actually enjoy from time to time, and this is sad.