So today I clicked a twitter link because companies like to use it for official announcements, only to be greeted with a login page. Was annoyed then I remembered nitter exists. It just prompted me to install Privacy Redirect which I should have done ages ago.
Chrome Web Store:
Firefox Browser Add-ons:
Looks like twitter waited for the reddit API changes to do push this change to try to do it under the radar.
I can’t wait for this stubborn jackass to kill off twitter to the point it becomes an unrecoverable decline.
I never understood the appeal. I have friends that send me random twitter links and I’m like I don’t understand wtf I’m looking at, it’s difficult to tell who is talking to whom, and whatever it was isn’t funny or interesting to begin with. I don’t care what chucklefart69 has to say about a famous person. If I want to read the news, I’ll read the news. I’m ok with not knowing about a major event breaking within the first 5 minutes of it happening.
Right! I thought I was the only dumbass that found tweet structure extremely unintuitive and difficult to understand who was talking to whom
deleted by creator
the only way mastodon will ever get a chance, and even then, it’s gonna be an uphill battle. even with zero competition, mastodon will struggle. Because its name fucking sucks. Dear gods. Who in their right fucking mind names a social media service after an ungainly lumbering beast that is world renowned for being EXTINCT.
Maybe if they renamed the whole thing to something like “trunky”, a bright and bouncy name like that might actually stick. Meanwhile, an elephant never forgets, etc. The unfortunate connection to the american conservative faction’s mascot might still be a stumbling block, but it’s not nearly as big a problem as it being currently called “mastodon”.