Snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea, which is easily treatable. Your wife should take a sleep test to see if she has it. Can take years off your life if left undiagnosed.
You could try to fix this from a very different angle by buying those strips for the nose against snoring. Those strips can temporarily unobstruct the air flow in the nose.
When she snores I pinch her nose shut until she stops.
Snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea, which is easily treatable. Your wife should take a sleep test to see if she has it. Can take years off your life if left undiagnosed.
For her it’s usually a sign that she had 3 or 4 too many white claws before she went to bed.
Your wife must be a deep sleeper. Mine would be awake in an instant.
You could try to fix this from a very different angle by buying those strips for the nose against snoring. Those strips can temporarily unobstruct the air flow in the nose.
Oh that I tell her in the morning