Is anyone here using Magic Trackpad for work? or rather for a longer periods of time? Not necessarily with a hand over it whole 8 hours, but around 50% of that time.
I’m using a trackball right now and am considering a trackpad for my left hand. At first I would want to replace the trackball/mouse with a trackpad to put relief on my right hand, but I’m also considering using both.
What are your opinions on using the trackpad alone? (I do love it on my macbook, but during my work it’s mostly in clamshell) and what are your opinions on using a trackpad on one side and mouse on the other? is it a bit too much?
Edit: so, I bought it, probably not many will see this edit, but the same will be with comment. Bought and no regrets, it feels really great for daily use. However I am using it with a mouse on the other side. Im left handed, so trackpad on left feels more natural and mouse on the right is useful in some cases.
I exclusively use a trackpad for all my computing, laptop and desktop work and personal. I absolutely love it, and maybe I’m just used to it/grew up with it but I am so much faster on a trackpad than a mouse. All the gestures, the ability to drag things around easily, and not having to move my arm around are great.
That said, I do struggle with the Magic Trackpad in terms of where to place it. On the sides of the keyboard feel awkward, and I’m used to having modifier keys at my reach so I usually end up placing it below my keyboard to emulate a laptop but then the slanted nature of the trackpad is awkward when typing as it’s taller than my keyboard.
So these days I usually just end up using my built in MacBook’s keyboard and trackpad in a vertical setup with my external monitor and it’s honestly the best solution I’ve come up with so far.
no problems with wrist aches after using it for long?
I kind of expect it to be less problematic than a regularly shaped mouse, cause on the trackpad I could rest my hand in a similar way as on keyboard, with a bit of an angle. But never used my laptop for more than few hours not to mention to work on it for years.
You could get a wrist rest.
yeah, that’s always an option definitely
So far no wrist pain issues! 🤞 I do get some pain in my thumb if I’m not careful to click lightly (I tend to slam it if I’m getting frustrated 😂 and could also be double duty with thumb stick usage when gaming after work) I use it 8+ hours a day 5 days a week for work and have been for ever a decade
sounds great and promising. +1 towards trackpad! thanks for opinion
Split keyboard? I have a few coworkers who put a trackpad in between halves. ! is your friend
Exactly how I roll. The only problem I have with an MX split is the difference in highly between keyboard and trackpad. With choc switches it’s perfect. Think I might 3DP a riser for when I’m using MX.
I love using the Magic Trackpad as my main driver.
Hmm, now here’s an idea!
I have a “Alice” layout keyboard, but its joined and bought recently, so for a while not going to change it. But the idea is very tempting for a future, will definitely consider a split keyboard if I will have a trackpad already!
I use a mouse for my mac. Some logitech one.
I often switch between the mouse and the trackpad depending on what im doing. Some things are easier with a trackpad. But other things are easier with a mouse.
I love it for the gestures that MacOS supports. Great for switching between remote desktop sessions.
While some things might be better with a mouse, I’ve found I much prefer the trackpad to general tasks due to the gestures and overall feel. Never used trackpads much before getting a Mac a few years ago (besides occasionally using someone else’s computer).
yeah, macbook gestures are simply great, with a BetterTouchTool added to that it’s just a masterpiece that nothing can beat.
Yeah I have to use a HP laptop for work periodically, I would nnnneeevvveeerrr use the trackpad on that thing. OOF! Mouse all the way, I don’t even know if the issue is hardware or software or both but the experience is awful. Windows seems to have ripped off some of macOS’s trackpad gestures and are just awful in comparison, and the mouse acceleration is horrible for general computing.
I use the Magic Trackpad exclusively - I haven’t used a mouse in years I think!
I used both a Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad and much prefer the trackpad. I can’t work with multitouch gestures, and I’ve never had any wrist pain after using it all day.
Love the Magic Trackpad. I’ve used it exclusively at work and home for at least 5 years. I find it vastly superior to a mouse.
I get a bit of pain in my wrist (no masturbation jokes) so if it’s flaring I switch from the Magic Mouse to the Magic Trackpad. It’s more gentle but for spreadsheet work I abso prefer the mouse myself.
I use a big trackball mouse but I’ve been working off a MacBook for the last couple of months. I switched to a trackball because I was getting bad RSIs, but since I’ve had the MacBook I’ve only been bringing it out for CAD and sculpting work.
The track as is big enough that I can use larger gestures which helps prevent RSIs and it’s been fine for general programming and document use. The gestures are nice too
I saw you said in another comment that you recently already bought an ergo keyboard, but when you go to replace it check out some of the split ergos with integrated trackpads/trackballs that are starting to get more popular. I’m eventually going to switch over to a wireless split with a trackpad on both halves which seems like the best option.
I saw you said in another comment that you recently already bought an ergo keyboard, but when you go to replace it check out some of the split ergos with integrated trackpads/trackballs that are starting to get more popular. I’m eventually going to switch over to a wireless split with a trackpad on both halves which seems like the best option.
for sure in future I will consider that. not having to take hands off the keyboard is a great idea and I sure will want to try it once my current devices will start to rot.
Yeah I go back and forth with it. It’s nice to have on the desk with mouse as a backup. The gestures are great! I’m a software developer and cloud architect.