I’ve read that uploading all your images/gifs/videos to lemmy will cause big server costs down the line.
I wanted to do my part in keeping the costs low so which site or app or whatever do people recommend to upload your media to for linking in posts? I’ve tried imgur and I’m not really a fan
not the best, can have connection issues. But I like it
After photobucket <spit> crapped the bed and broke hundreds of my links I decided to roll my own.
So I have a little corner of my website where I can upload pics. There’s a dinky shell script to generate indices, thumbnails, pasteable links for BB, reddit, markdown, etc. If this one blows up it’s my fault.
That’s really cool. Are they photos from a camera’s sd card? Or do you pop them over from your phone?
I’ve noticed that when you make an image post with an external image, the instance will just save the image and won’t load the external image directly. This is a good thing for privacy and security but it also means that it doesn’t matter where you upload your images. Images uploaded directly to Lemmy are loaded directly from the other instance though.
I’ve been using catbox.moe and imgbox.com. Both can be interacted with anonymously via API and never take down uploads
Imgur used to be great, and then it got popular and sold out, got overrun by ads and cludgy UI that makes it annoying to upload or view images from certain platforms. Now there really is no ‘good’ image site, only what you’re willing to put up with.
i still use imgur. I don’t upload via the webui but have a context menu entry in my file explorer (dolphin). That uploads them without my account and immediately gives me the direct .jpg link.
So viewing them is not hindered by any ads.
Self-hosted is best, but I also use imgbox.com or vgy.me