I always opt for wait for a miracle, hasn’t let me down yet.
Will you start paying Sept 1st though?
No, don’t earn enough, blood from a stone and all that
I got $70k regardless. With 2 kids and a teacher wife I don’t see how they think I can pay them off.
You got $70k on student loans?
Sure as heck do. I’m fucked.
Which major did you pick and which uni did you go to? I wonder how your loan got so large.
My uni was super expensive when I went there, and I think tuition has since doubled.
I just checked, and tuition for my alma mater in the US is now $83,000/yr for a resident student. For comparison, my tuition for my grad school here in Japan was $15,000/yr and that was one of the more expensive private univerisities here.
Never pay them! Stay enrolled in school until the day you die.
only a billionaire could afford to do that
they start the interest charging before the payment is due, don’t forget that… they’re right back to stealing without people realizing what they’re doing.
ohhh the payment isn’t due until the end of September so don’t worry! (they begin interest calculation the first minute of September)
Flee to North Korea.