He would be the perfect person to AMA as he’s already associated with Reddit revolts, and it would result in tremendous media coverage and mark fediverse as a viable alternative to Reddit. What do you think?
I’ve never administrated a Lemmy instance, but I can’t shake the feeling that the traffic and activity that would generate would be a massive blow to the infrastructure we have right now. I can’t name anybody at the moment, but maybe we should start with someone a bit smaller?
Peter Dinklage?
I’d be more inclined to reach out to Louis Rossmann, especially since he’s said he won’t post on reddit anymore. Maybe we can even find a home on lemmy for his right to repair campaign.
Him too is a good candidate for an AMA.
He’s a good candidate too, but to me, John Oliver has come to be associated with Reddit revolts in the media, because he was flooding the front page for a while. Even major news outlets wrote about it. If he does an ama here, it would symbolically show that those people have moved on to Lemmy.
Why not both?
Let’s start small. Can we do a Christian Selig AMA first? I think that would be a decent flagship that might draw the attention of the press. That way we have something proven before we start getting in people who have PR teams…
One of the devs who is actually porting their app over, like !@ljdawson
Go get him cowboy
Make it happen, cap’n!
I like the idea but we are not ready at all for something like that. It’d be crazy to blow our load too early and draw a bunch of media attention here only for people to come here and find it unusable. If redditors are struggling this much to migrate, the general public has no chance.
See where we are at in 3-6 months and reassess.
I can remember all too well how it went for the r/antiwork mod who was interviewed by Fox. Anything Lemmy does needs to be very deliberately planned by people who know what to say and not to say.
Any chance of a TLDR of this interview?
Bit of a longer TLDR including context, I’ll call it a TLDDD (too long, didn’t deep dive):
Doreen was a moderator of /r/antiwork, she went on Fox News to present the subreddit and why it was so interesting to so many. This wasn’t agreed upon by the community or the other moderators.
Fox immediately tried to frame it as people just sucking off the teat of “corporate america” and not wanting to work. In reaction to this, Doreen failed to actually make any arguments that a Fox News viewer would understand and even played directly into the propagandist’s hands by using out of context philosophies like “laziness is a virtue” and saying that she worked as a dog walker.
On top of this, Doreen was incredibly unpresentable in the video and looked like your average, basement-dwelling netizen, sitting in a dimly lit room with a 2010s webcam. For the right-wingers at fox, she was the perfect image of what they imagine leftists to be like:
- Trans
- Autistic
- Socialist
- Unkempt
- No “real” job (dog walker)
Here’s a screenshot from the interview to give you an idea of what I mean by unkempt and unpresentable
dog walker
Not even walker. They just had to mind the dogs, but they got fired from that job because they were sleeping on the job, then were bewildered that they got fired.
Edit: server issues, my apologies
Please delete this duplicate response, it’s very long and makes it harder to scroll the thread/see my comment. I don’t mean to be rude.
You don’t need to be one of the 1st or 2nd level replies over here to avoid being buried.
I deleted the other comment first, when I realized I didn’t reply to the comment asking for more info, and then posted this. Perhaps something fucky with how lemmy served the page to you or deleted the post?
Oh shit, my bad. I’m almost certain it’s because we are on lemmy.ml, this server has been having issues. Sometimes my comments don’t show up for hours.
Your other comment still appears for me now, undeleted with 3 upvotes. But if I go to feddit.de I can see it’s been deleted.
I should have just let you handle it, woops.
I wonder if you can see my other comment on this thread where I uploaded the video itself? Maybe that hasn’t loaded for everyone yet, although it was posted over an hour ago
TLDR: dog walker got walked all over on live TV, sub then pretty much died afaik.
The interview itself is the best TLDR. It’s 3 minutes 24 seconds of highly concentrated cringe.
I love Lemmy, but I feel like people are overestimating the ability of the platform. Stability and usability issues aside, there’s the question of why would John Oliver come here? We don’t have any history of celebrity AMAs, and highest estimates of our userbase puts us at maybe 1% of reddit, or 1 million users. For comparison’s sake Ashens has 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube, do you think he could suddenly decide to do interviews and have the pull to get someone like John Oliver?
I think reaching out to Christian Selig or Louis Rossmann as other commenters suggested is more realistic, and would probably be a better experience for everyone involved.
It would be a 3 second blurb for him in actuality, the bigger story is the way users revolt in some instances but not others, see Tumblr banning porn vs the facebook analitica scandal. Both of those SHOULD have been enough for a mass exodus but for old people there was no other platform. It’s would have to be framed as an anti-trust kind of thing.
Why would he give up the free advertising?
I support this. How do we make it happen?
He absolutely would be a great pick. And I suspect he would be interested. What I wonder is: how much would it grow Lemmy and the Fediverse? Impossible to tell, but even if it’s only a small gain, I think it would be worth trying.
I think it would be a definite boost to the fediverse, because a major talking point I see in reddit discussions is that there is no viable alternative to reddit, so people are going to stay no matter what. This event would put a big spotlight on lemmy, and if it goes well, will result in a lot of regular users from reddit.
Reddit has long been known for its userbase being capable of surprisingly big things. Getting John Oliver to AMA here might show that Lemmy is capable of the same thing.
Absolutely. If he’d do it, it’s worth trying.
I mean, if we can’t get Obama, I guess.
i hope nobody’s trying to invite that war criminal onto the fediverse…
You’re not wrong but you undoubtably defend people a thousand times worse, lemmygrad user
deleted by creator
I don’t defend any war criminals. You could have saved yourself looking like a clown by taking a quick look at my comment history: https://lemmygrad.ml/u/triplenadir/view/Comments/sort/New/page/1