What is your primary media that you pirate?
Mine has always been music. I don’t really download a lot of it as much anymore. But I am registered to a dirt cheap MP3 site where I pay $1.22 for an entire album and then download it.
Games, I used to have pirated but I’ve got so damn many that it defeats the purpose. I’ve downloaded hundreds of ROMs of old games and gotten some DRM-free stuff from DDL. I’m set for life on games.
Movies, I don’t pirate. I’ve built a steady collection just by thrifting alone for dirt cheap movies, not even burned copies.
Books, I mean if I really had the ambition to, I’d pirate. But I honestly prefer having the books in my hand and I can get them for cheap.
Shows, same as movies. I thrift a lot and that neutralizes the need for me to pirate.
Software, yeah I still occasionally will pirate if there’s a program I’m not going to sink some $$$ digits for or some poor sap out there wanting to charge $70 for a “lifetime license” for a software of a tool I’d need desperately for something I want done and I’m not gonna wait a lifetime for to finally afford without buyer’s remorse.
So, music and software is all I’m after because I love music above all other media.
Nice try, FBI
Op’s got a faint glow about them lmao
That’s a really tired out joke now.
says the FBI
More lame jokes. This isn’t a fucking stand up comedy community, go to Reddit for your unoriginal shit.
Haha, dude, calm down. This a piracy community, its not that serious.
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whatever you say glow boi
Is it just me or does this guy not pirate much of anything?
hey they dont pirate shit but they sure do have a lot to say in the comments lmao
So… you don’t do it?
So instead of just downloading whatever you want you have a collection of various stuff and only watch those? Weird
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That’s quite an overreaction. Kinda weird
Where do you think that dirt cheap music site is getting their tracks from? I would tell you, but the name is REDACTED.
Don’t suppose you could sort me an invite?
Just read the rules, apparently invites may be offered but not requested so nevermind
It came from Apple. /s
Out of curiosity, does it not feel weird to pay $1 for an album that someone else clearly pirated? Cut out the middle man and plunder that booty yourself for free! Or pay more money and actually contribute to the artist.
Your current plan is giving your hard earned dollar to organized criminals for nothing more than the illusion of a legal purchase. What they are doing (selling pirated content for profit) is literally more illegal than piracy itself.
3 letter agent glow so bright
Obscure, cult, and foreign genre movies. I like finding films that have been lost to time and I have this probably irrational fear that if I don’t acquire them they’ll disappear and I’ll lose my chance to see them.
I’ll sell you the same albums for $1.19 🤫
I’ll sell them albums for $1.18!
Why pay for anything when everything is available for free?
Why bother pirating when you have enough money to waste on paying for media?Either pirate everything or don’t pirate at all, there are no morals or ethics involved
legacy linux isos
Obscure movies that they don’t sell anymore
You still paying for music, shit man there’s plenty of free ways to acquire mp3s and flacs
Deemix with premium ARL, soulseek (nicotine+), qobuzdlx.
I also believe there may be a downloadrr for tidal too
yeet skeet here’s the thing you’re talking about
streamrip: Downloads tracks, albums, playlists, discographies, and labels from Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer, and SoundCloud
Also good: Tidal-Media-Downloader
Y u so mad OP?
I am the CDkey whisperer. I put combinations of numbers and letters together like Snape brewing a potion.