Except politics, that makes no sense. Politics is literally public debate. You don’t like people trying to solve their problems through open discourse?
I was thinking about most of the bullshit that is part of politics in a more broad sense, I suppose. It would be the hate filled vitriol that keeps spewing out of the mouths of politicians, that I refer to. It’s also lightly referencing how political wrangling has caused endless years of pain in some cases.
To summarize, anything negative you can associate with political dysfunction is what I meant. Putting in a full summary into my short quip probably wasn’t ideal, but since we are talking about it now, cool. Still, it wasn’t initially clear, so it is totally fair to question.
(Politics can refer to actions taken while governing which can relate to debate or discussion: “His decision to arrest the man was purely a political choice.” In that context, an action is taken because of past (or future) debate. Politics, aside from its proper definition, is a little flexible in its use, proper or not. “Political correctness” is a weird usage in that regard as it encompasses an assumed standard.)
All right, I just still think that it’s an empty statement- “I dislike the bad side of X” isn’t exactly stating much, while being actively used as a normative soundbite, something everyone can agree to disagree on while at the same time favoring the position that “all sides are equal, nothing you do matters, everyone is malicious”, which is pretty cynical. Not arguing a case against you or anything, I’m just arguing out loud I guess, but I see these semantic tricks being played out in media that are very obvious when you know what to look for, that manage to infect swathes of people, by far the majority of everyone around me.
Totally cool, and you ain’t wrong. The way I explained my use of the word “politics” was correct. However, your last explanation may have been my subconscious intent. A very peculiar freudian slip, as it were.
Fuck guns
Fuck religion, alcohol, politics, financial inequality, unaffordable health care and brain dead sports fans.
Yes, but fuck guns extra hard.
I could marry you
But fuck politics IS politics. Fuck everything else is politics too.
Those too.
Except politics, that makes no sense. Politics is literally public debate. You don’t like people trying to solve their problems through open discourse?
I was thinking about most of the bullshit that is part of politics in a more broad sense, I suppose. It would be the hate filled vitriol that keeps spewing out of the mouths of politicians, that I refer to. It’s also lightly referencing how political wrangling has caused endless years of pain in some cases.
To summarize, anything negative you can associate with political dysfunction is what I meant. Putting in a full summary into my short quip probably wasn’t ideal, but since we are talking about it now, cool. Still, it wasn’t initially clear, so it is totally fair to question.
(Politics can refer to actions taken while governing which can relate to debate or discussion: “His decision to arrest the man was purely a political choice.” In that context, an action is taken because of past (or future) debate. Politics, aside from its proper definition, is a little flexible in its use, proper or not. “Political correctness” is a weird usage in that regard as it encompasses an assumed standard.)
All right, I just still think that it’s an empty statement- “I dislike the bad side of X” isn’t exactly stating much, while being actively used as a normative soundbite, something everyone can agree to disagree on while at the same time favoring the position that “all sides are equal, nothing you do matters, everyone is malicious”, which is pretty cynical. Not arguing a case against you or anything, I’m just arguing out loud I guess, but I see these semantic tricks being played out in media that are very obvious when you know what to look for, that manage to infect swathes of people, by far the majority of everyone around me.
So there’s that.
Totally cool, and you ain’t wrong. The way I explained my use of the word “politics” was correct. However, your last explanation may have been my subconscious intent. A very peculiar freudian slip, as it were.
Religion is kinda fire ngl
Zoroastrianism is pretty dope.
I’m more of a sun worshiper kind of guy, but I don’t presume on our friendship, so I only pray to Joe Pesci.
For years, I’d asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog. Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit.
If you define “fire” as “a tool to oppress people” then sure.
For manipulating and controlling armies of citizens, yes, it’s straight up white phosphorous!
Seems kinda dangerous.