Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins)

Kafka’s Metamorphosis is called a major work of literature. Why? If it’s SF it’s bad SF. If, like Animal Farm, it’s an allegory, an allegory of what? Scholarly answers range from pretentious Freudian to far-fetched feminist. I don’t get it. Where are the Emperor’s clothes?


  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    He’s had moments of being good. Back when everyone took Selfish Gene and misconstrued it for the agenda the right wing uses it for he made the documentary Nice Guys Finish Last which while slightly lib is still genuinely a good argument for communism and completely undercuts the entire narrative the right puts on “survival of the fittest”. I still use it as something people should watch whenever the topic comes up, it makes the argument that cooperation is literally the better outcome for everybody in the longterm.