It was a VITAL thing I needed to have done the sooner the better, it was completed in less than 10 minutes and immediately relieved an enormous amount of stress.
I have learned absolutely nothing and will do it again.
Lifehack for you: since it worked out this time, you can wait even longer next time
Utter genius.
If it makes you feel better I have a presentation to deliver in three weeks and so far I have created the deck in Google docs and given it a name. I’ve known about this for a month.
You’ve got a friend in me. Thanks Executive Dysfunction!
I feel like last minute preparation actually made my presentations better. YMMV but if you actually have a decent grasp of the subject matter speaking is not a problem, your slides will be condensed and have only the necessary info. Some of my peers had slides upon slides of text, verbatim from their oral part. You don’t need 20 slides in a 10 minute presentation.
Less is more and just wing the oral bit, just put bare minimum salient info on the slides which will serve as key talking points if you forget something.
I took smoke that copium…
But I will say that I am an excellent DM because I can respond to my players doing weird random shit. I learn enough about a system to be able to judicate on rules quickly and know when to introduce mechanics to RP. I also prepare (lightly) a few encounters for environments I expect the party to be in.
I don’t use minis, d&d beyond, or virtual tabletop so I can keep things improvised.
My best writing was always the night before something was due.
Night before? Pshh. Tell me when it’s the morning of.
You go girlfriend!
Livin the dream!
Undecided? Is that a backhanded way to say non-binary?
Hi five!
I sent wedding documents 3 days before the time limit for the govt to receive it.
I have learned to never again manage any paperwork for someone else than myself. I think I was close to a stroke at the end.
Undecided about what? lol.