Welcome to the ‘find out’ phase, which should wrap up nicely by around the 7th.
any reason it’s the 7th ?
I imagine because any impact won’t be seen immediately and a week seems like a good amount of time
I’m guessing it’s because it’s a week after 3rd party apps shut down. A lot will change when that happens, and the 7th is far enough from the 30th to feel it.
I’m out of the loop here, what happens on the 7th?
total reddit death. TRD
The 3rd party apps are closing at the end of this month, which means there’ll be somewhere around a week or so of people realising just how bad the official app is, plus decreased quality content as the actually-motivated people who post things continue their gradual migration away from reddit and driving redditors to seek other places to gather.
Meanwhile all of the repost bots can post and comment on each other’s threads keeping the Reddit server humming away.
Good riddance.
It’s kinda funny in a dystopian way.
A lonely guy playing a creepy hentai game gets some sexual gratification from his time spent interacting with a piece of software and is at least somewhat self-aware. He knows it’s just software, even if he ‘married’ his bodypillow.
Meanwhile there are increasing numbers of people unaware they’re regularly interacting with bots online, not realising one of the reasons social media is making them sadder is because they’ve atttempting to fulfill their need for social interaction with a facsimile thereof.
It’s not unlike Idiocracy, where they give the plants Brawndo instead of water, then wonder why the plants are dying. Vast swathes of the world are feeding their social needs with social media brawndo.
Conversational masturbation.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a bot
Also you’re blaming the medium, rather than the malicious actors.
If AI text generative technology was around a century earlier you’d have people being penpals or print newspaper write-ins with a bot instead. Communicating through text is inherently risky, so best to blame the people who abuse that fact instead.
you’re blaming the medium
I don’t think that’s implied in the post. Also reddit inc is complicit in the bot farming since it boosts their engagement metrics.
At some point, it will just be repost bots having conversations in the comments of posts “created” by other repost bots.
/r/subreddit_simulator wasn’t just an experiment, it was prophetic.
I realized that after deleting my oldest reddit account I should have sold the damn thing.
Might work out how to do that yet for my remaining accounts
I like my username too much to have a hand in making it shill ads and misinformation.
Yup. I’m Anarch157a everywhere (except Mastodon, for reasons), Steam, Lemmy, Discord, etc. Having my old - now deleted - Reddit account as a bot could spill over my identity in other services.
It’ll take about a week for the ‘find out’ phase to wrap up, then we’re onto the lesser known ‘baby please come back I can change’ phase.
And like a gaslighting abusive ex they won’t change!
Reddit behaved in such a horrible way, that I feel like API pricing was the least of the bad…One could argue about their fairness and aim to destroy 3rd party apps, and I had already closed my accounts at that very step.
But the way they treated mods, forced subs to open and behaved like pure evil assholes, I really see how companies or more “official” subreddits with a touch of interest in their users, would feel the desire to leave and close bridges
I feel the same way.
As an Apollo user, I didn’t immediately leave since I wanted to see if some agreement would be done.But the way they treated the devs is insulting, I work on IT and know a bit of how complex and time consuming this is; doing all this work just to be considered a parasite to be cut, and seeing how horrible the AMA was; really showed Reddit’s true colors.
Currently liking this federated initiative, big potential and less company ruining agenda. Very comfy here.
Holy shit! Good for them! Hope they see the benefits of the fediverse at some point.