Often times the chubby girl was the big titty goth girl you were always looking for.
The real big titty goth girlfriend is the friends we made along the way.
Well yeah, were people expecting big titty goth gfs to be skinny?
I think that’s the jackpot many are looking for, skinny with big tits.
Is he sure he wasn’t dating his mom?
The order of his priorities us also interesting.
Whenever someone rates people like that on these green texts, often than not, they’re the problem. Also did the OP just want someone to take care of him like a child? 2.5/10 too whiny
Well yeah, but the rest of the post is just him elaborating on how he was the problem
Everyone just wants their bangmaid
Fundamentally, this is a problem that has to do with rating women, and that too purely based on their external appearance.
This is big chubby girl propaganda
Both sides are the problem. Go gay instead.
We all make this mistake when we’re young and stupid. It’s how we grow up. Looks aren’t everything. They’re temporary at best.
I was in high school, she was a chubby amd adorable native american girl with waist length black hair. I left her for someone more conventially pretty. I’m a dumbass.
Yet another “problem” polyamory solves
snaps fingers
Just like that
Polyamory is wrong! It’s either polyphilia or multiamory, you never mix Greek and Latin.
I’m sure the Greeks wouldn’t mind mixing with the Romans in a big polyamorous puddle
That’s a bit reductive isn’t it? I’m all for consensual and open polyamory, but what problem, exactly, is solved in this by polyamory? If either party wants monogamy, which is a fairly safe assumption in the world today, then the polyamory just becomes lying, and that doesn’t help anyone.
If you assume lying is involved, then that’s not polyamory, it’s cheating.
The important thing to understand here is that monogamy is a human construct, encouraged by people with self-serving agendas. It had to be learned. It can be unlearned.
Right. The reductive part is assuming this problem would be solved by polygamy, when realistically there’s nothing at all showing that’s the case, except that there’s a guy who wants multiple women for different reasons. We only know that he wants that, but nothing of the motives and desires of the others, and thus it’s reductive to say “polygamy fixes this”.
Your change in verbiage from polyamory to polygamy demonstrates you have no interest in critical inquiry, you just want to argue.
And your complete dismissal over a simple typographic error demonstrates that you never intended to have an actual discussion. I had actually edited my post to polygamy because I had, inaccurately, recalled you using that word. At the end of the day, polyamory and polygamy, yes they’re distinct. It doesn’t change my statement regardless of which is used, however.
Monogamy is a pair bonding strategy as old as humans. It developed at roughly the same time as polyamorous strategies. There’s a strong body of evidence that it became a very prominent strategy around 10-20k years ago, especially in areas with resource strains.
If you want to have multiple partners, by all means, do so, but don’t pretend it’s some construct. It’s a sexual selection strategy hardwired into many different species, including humans.
It just happens to coexist with polyamorous strategies in our species.
If it was hard-wired, it would be impossible to unlearn. It is possible to unlearn. This is proof it’s not hard-wired, it’s conditioned by society.
Disrespecting your partners and only seeing what they can do for you is not fixed by polyamory
One of my favorite things about polyamorous people is how they can never fucking shut their goddamn mouths and trying to insert their bullshit everywhere.
It’s like they’re always trying to convince everyone as well as themselves.
They’re are two types of polyamorous people, and they’re both mentally unwell.
Much like the… lovely lady or gentleman above, that’s a bit reductive. There’s no one true style of relationship, and tossing out polyamory as bad and wrong, or monogamy as antithetical to humans base drives both miss out on the fundamental truth that no one solution works for everyone. The worst of both camps are those who try to say they’re right and the other cannot work.
I keep ending up with type two girls who don’t give a shit, always dreamed I’d be with a type one who cared about nerd shit and more importantly me.
fuck you, fuck your old gf, new gf, fuck y’all.
Why this fucking world can 'tbe simpler…