Not the top level directory, obviously.
For me, it would be my Camera directory. Worst case scenario would be to part ways with all the photos and videos I took for 15+ years, including the digital versions of a few hundred objects.
It contains all my music and audio dramas (star wars, hhgttg, big finish stuff, graphic audio stuff).
duh ~ home
The user profile directory? Almost everything is in there somewhere.
Not that it matters much. If the PSU went out and took everything with it i’d only lose a few hours work.
It’d be annoying but i’d probably be a lot more annoyed with having to replace the hardware.
It’d only take a few hours to restore from backup but it’d take several days to get a similar machine.
Realistically if this thing goes out i’m just going to spin it up in a VM on one of the other machines I have on hand until I can find a suitable upgrade to replace it with rather than trying to put it back like it was as it’s long overdue to be replaced anyway.
/Volume1 ;) guess my system
Proxmox, I presume?
Simple: Pr0n
/mediastack. Has all my movies, shows, music, books, audiobooks etc.
Good shit
Pictures. It’s every photo and video of my family, and backups of several other people’s photos.
Probably my back ups, I only have one source anyhow
On my server I would keep /NAS/Photos. Sure I’m loosing 45TB of everything else, but all my photos are stored in there. Some are irreplaceable, and sure they’re backed up, but I read the question as “you loose everything except the one folder”. So if I lost all my backups, Photos is the only one that would be devastating.
Losing 45TB sounds like a rough day. Glad to hear you have backups, bro.
Everything else is either easy to replace or it’s stuff I never access