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WomenPostingLs gets the wall
Anyone who makes a “PostingLs” account is sus so far as I can tell
I don’t know if these exist but… I think these could be cool:
it’s a well-known hate account, i would just avoid boosting their engagement whatsoever
Saw it being QRTd by a few accounts I follow on twitter. But yeah I mean, its a nitter link and a screenshot for a reason. That doesnt boost their engagement.
Thanks, now I know something exists called “Women Posting L’s”
This milieu also includes “Blacks Posting Ls” and other such drivel. Not the brightest bunch
Thomas Jefferson, eh?
"You’re in favor of reparations, but have you considered your ancestor was sexually assaulted? "
Considering America runs on Calvinist Hitler fumes, they would probably see being the ancestor of a “victim” as an own
There’s at least a vaguely interesting mismatch happening here. There’s clearly the component of violence and likely coercion acted upon her ancestor, but in addition there’s an interpretation of somehow being guilty by blood. It’s like, no mother fucker, it’s not the DNA connection that matters - it’s the institutions of power and property that uphold differences even today. What do her “white” distant relatives look like wealth wise comparatively? Why would it be easy for the white relatives to trace ancestry, but comparatively harder for her? The property relations are far more determinate to contemporary conditions than what silly little bit of genetic matter someone has.
You can already tell this man scours Tinder for hours without a single match while going “ew” at any woman that isn’t a 10/10 or is trans.
Racial purity ideologies never correspond to reality.
“Descent of Sexual Slavery Finds Out That She Is In Fact Descended from Sexual Slavery”
Check-mate, commies 😎
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bare minimum credit to anderson cooper for thinking it was good that one of his ancestor’s slaves murdered the guy.
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somehow i don’t think there was a safeword
I actually watched the PBS show where they did this, she was immediately disgusted by the idea because she understood that the woman who that slave owner had a child with was a slave and obviously slaves can’t consent.