Germany is wild because it’s still infested with nazis and yet they have all these anti-nazi laws which do nothing and the people end up supporting fascists in Israel.
a big chunk of the german left is part of the “antideutsch” movement/ideology, whatever you want to call it
the gist of them is that they “compensate” for the horrors of nazi germany by being against the existence of the german state, and also extremely pro-israelagainst the existence of the german state
and also extremely pro-israel
Very not based.
kinds of people that make monarchists wanting 200 year old german principalities back seem reasonable
This is why I shed no tears for any aristocracy that gets Romanov’d.
Has anyone tried telling them that supporting another genocide won’t wash their hands of the Holocaust?
That’s for their grandchildren to worry about.
They’re doing the George Michael move where they throw out a banana to compensate for stealing a dollar from the cash register. They think it balances the ledger, but it’s actually doubling the debit
Maybe I’m expecting too much from these people, but I’m assuming they don’t actually know anything about Zionism or about the history of the Israeli state and just assume they’re being attacked by evil terrorists with no provocation, just like what the bourgeois media tells them. Even today there is very little actual information about the colonization of Palestine in history books, they usually portray the whole thing as a religious conflict/response to the holocaust. I do think that the Zionists are finally starting to lose control of the narrative though, thanks to social media.
I’ve got a 1930 Atlas in my house with the territory clearly marked as Palestine. No Israel to be seen. Weird for an ancient conflict lasting a bazillion years or whatever!
It even gives demographic statistics. Out of the nearly 1 million people in 1930 living in British Palestine, 800,000 are Muslim and the remaining 200,000 are a mix of Jewish, Christian and other minority groups. Wonder what happened to 80% of the area being muslim! Weird how “a land without a people” had a million people on it!
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Allowing the common understanding of racism to be reduced to mere form, ie vulgar language and overt discrimination, has been disastrous for the real gains made in the late 20th century.
We gotta first of all enforce some standards for antifascist movements. As great as it is to build large numbers, it’s meaningless if there is no well defined, unifying ideology. I bet a lot of these “antifa” in Germany would not give a coherent definition of fascist.
Didn’t happen in a vacuum.
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They have anti-Nazi laws and then pass billion euro funding bills to give heavy weaponry and training to Nazis. Most coherent Westoid nation. Germany is going to have the most convoluted contradictions when the western world goes outright, openly fascist since they have been conditioned to be ashamed of their Nazi past while being proud of their Nazi present.
Germany is ok with fascism, they just got caught once and have to be a bit more careful
I actually think the Liberal-Fascists of Germany truly believe that the Nazis were bad but Nazism is good. They are that brain addled
Germany, a country so historically into fascism even antifascists are fascists. And they’re the least fascist in the country. Imagine that.
On the bright side, we’ve found a worse country than France so thats good for the French.
Germans have a long history of analyzing a problem, starting a school of philosophy around the problem, getting too excited about the analysis phase, and making a hobby of critique-for-the-sake-of-it only to immediately go off the rails into self-contradictory navel gazing. Then blame it all on human psychology and find a new movement/philosophy to kill.
EDIT: On immediate second thought, this is the entire world of Western European academia. God we suck.
“Anti-semitic society demands jews stay in the middle east and not come back and make a rightful claim for reparations for past atrocities”
On a separate note, if there absolutely needs to be a state of Israel (lol), it should absolutely be in Germany (im sure they’ll love it).
After a few years of course, 90 % of it will be Israel and the German population will be confined to an open air concentration camp and will be slowly genocided. But going by that picture, they should be OK with it.
Fuck yeah actually, make the Rhur zionist
What the fuck is radical about the status quo lol
Americans facing some stiff competition in “most propagandized people on earth”
naw, they cant touch us
usa is wild with how propagandized we are other countries arent even in the same league
At least we have an anti-Zionist left and can have pro-Palestine marches. Germans are utterly cucked
germans have those too but the german government keeps arresting people at them
Antideustche are weird.
When you feel so remorseful for your country’s wrongdoings that you want to lick the boots of the country that inspired those wrongdoings.
I feel like implying that jews or isfaek “inspired” the nazis is a pretty bad way to phrase that.
I meant the other flag present at these “protests”. Anti-deutsch are Americanophiles.
The whole “remorse” thing isn’t real. It’s just used as a cover for political intentions.
The very chud people oppose it, because it symbolizes that German state being submissive or whatever (and antisemitism)
Liberals (the politicians, not random Bozos off the street) use it to enforce the interests of the German state and keep allies happy and business running,while holding onto the mythology of not being Nazi Germany anymore.
Antideutsche use it to denote opposition to foreigners while holding onto mythology of opposing antisemitism within leftist groups (which was partially a thing in the 60s, 70s and 80s)
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“One must always strive to be as radical as reality itself.” -Some Russian Lawyer dude
Take a look at those pictures, every single one of them are white.
These guys are the ‘anti-germans’, while they’re against things like nationalism or nazism, they’re still racialists, hiding away their racist views by masquerading as ‘leftist’, people seem to forget many socdems were racist pieces of shit, and these guys are just the same.
Fuck anti-germans, and anyone who shills for them.
Take a look at those pictures, every single one of them are white.
Yes, it’s even a mocking phrase to call them the most German of the German left.
Linke Antideutsche sind deutsche Anti-Linke
NATO leftists strike again. Whether it’s the “anarchists” of today or the Trotskyists of yesterday, they’re always lurking and pretending to be against the Imperial powers before falling right in line with them.
Can’t call yourself a leftist and support an imperial ethnostate, sorry
“Germany. Apologize for the holocaust.”
“Germany, if you apologize, we’ll help fund an ethnostate and settler-colony for European zionists. They will commit genocide against Palestinians and make surplus value flow from the MENA region to Europe.”
“… I am so so so sorry I did the holocaust. Please believe me.”
I’d nearly forgotten about that one:
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.and biden is boosting his message by spreading misinformation about hamas beheading babies and other such nonsense
We need a complete shutdown of Representative Rashida Tlaib until our other Representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
“Cease-fire? No, we need to focus on more important things right now like silencing a brown woman.”
here in germany we call these people antids, their entire ideology comes down to defending israel and snorting cocaine, mixed with occasionally calling every real leftist a red fash
I knew a Portland Antifa girl who moved to Germany and became one of these people. She really had no principles, just liked to start drama in her affinity groups and attack “tankies” all the time. She had an extreme hatred of Russia and China and started crying and physically attacking me one time when I defended Russia’s operation in Ukraine.
started crying and physically attacking me one time when I defended Russia’s operation in Ukraine.
It seems they’ve been a native species to Germany since at least 1845
Apparently some “antifascist” groups in Germany were going to protest Neo Nazis, and some pro-Palestine groups planned on joining the “antifascist” groups but then they ended up cancelling the protest because the pro-Palestine groups were “antisemitic”
Somewhere a police chief is stuffing himself with krautslop and giggling about his genius plan
Specifically because the group “Young Struggle” (affiliated with the Turkish MLKP iirc) went “The events of October 7th? Based!” and persisted after being told to not show up.
antideutsch, not even once
come back pls
I must appologize for Germ-wu. We trained him wrong - as a joke.