There’s no blue collar worker’s because it doesn’t pay enough.
Educated people can and should work in blue collar fields, but unfortunately our society bases everything on money, so leaving blue collar work for higher paying jobs is literally the dear and fluffy capitalism you love so much. Anyone with an education is going to seek the highest paying job possible and none of those are blue collar.
“working class” doesn’t mean field hands and electricians, it means everyone that isn’t a multi millionaire. I work in IT and am still working class, you work blue collar and are working class, the salesman that works for a bank is working class. Unless you’re the owner of a business entity and do not have to work to pay your bills, then you’re “working class.”
The conservative ideology has ground the middle class into non-existence through the deregulation of the market and the abysmal failure of trickle down economics. Compounded by the uselessness of the Democratic party (cause they’re all just old money career politicians too, what a surprise) not doing a damn thing when they’re in control of the legislative branch. Not because educated people made fun of yokels too much. You’re drawing conclusions out of your feelings, not reality.
Bro, there are tens of millions of blue collar workers nationwide, and depending on the trade, pays exceptionally well. Not millionaire well, but well enough to live reasonably comfortably.
How does that comment even get so many upvotes? That person has less than zero idea of WTF they’re talking about. They are so wrong in so many ways. Lemmy is a very disheartening place sometimes.
There’s no blue collar worker’s because it doesn’t pay enough.
Educated people can and should work in blue collar fields, but unfortunately our society bases everything on money, so leaving blue collar work for higher paying jobs is literally the dear and fluffy capitalism you love so much. Anyone with an education is going to seek the highest paying job possible and none of those are blue collar.
“working class” doesn’t mean field hands and electricians, it means everyone that isn’t a multi millionaire. I work in IT and am still working class, you work blue collar and are working class, the salesman that works for a bank is working class. Unless you’re the owner of a business entity and do not have to work to pay your bills, then you’re “working class.”
The conservative ideology has ground the middle class into non-existence through the deregulation of the market and the abysmal failure of trickle down economics. Compounded by the uselessness of the Democratic party (cause they’re all just old money career politicians too, what a surprise) not doing a damn thing when they’re in control of the legislative branch. Not because educated people made fun of yokels too much. You’re drawing conclusions out of your feelings, not reality.
Bro, there are tens of millions of blue collar workers nationwide, and depending on the trade, pays exceptionally well. Not millionaire well, but well enough to live reasonably comfortably.
How does that comment even get so many upvotes? That person has less than zero idea of WTF they’re talking about. They are so wrong in so many ways. Lemmy is a very disheartening place sometimes.
It would be neat if you had any idea WTF you’re talking about. Are you just making shit up on the fly and seeing what sticks for shits and giggles?
There are literally tens of millions of blue collar jobs, many of which pay as well or better than many white collar jobs.
Again, do you have any idea how much money a union electrician, plumber, boilermaker, steamfitter etc can make in a year? I don’t think you do.