Work isn’t just physical you know. Management, planning, etc is work too, and they’d get paid according to how many want to do them, and how hard they are.
The difference is, like I said, that some greedy rich bastard who’d want to give as little of the profit as possible to the people actually making the product or providing the service wouldn’t own that means of production.
Simple. You know all those scientists that work at $40 billion chip plants? They would actually take the $40 billion and not some random suit who doesn’t do any of the actual work. Executive leadership is important, but it’s not worth 1000x the average worker’s salary.
TBF, chip fabs are a pretty bad example because they’re all union-built anyway because non-union contractors never have a low enough EMR to qualify to bid. Union contractors also have a better average base rate in terms of training than non-union contractors, just because every trade union has a uniform apprenticeship program across the US and Canada.
See, that works for a farm.
I don’t see how it works for a $40 billion chip fabrication plant.
Work isn’t just physical you know. Management, planning, etc is work too, and they’d get paid according to how many want to do them, and how hard they are.
The difference is, like I said, that some greedy rich bastard who’d want to give as little of the profit as possible to the people actually making the product or providing the service wouldn’t own that means of production.
Simple. You know all those scientists that work at $40 billion chip plants? They would actually take the $40 billion and not some random suit who doesn’t do any of the actual work. Executive leadership is important, but it’s not worth 1000x the average worker’s salary.
So who builds it? Do you just get together with 40,000 of your friends and go “hey if everyone here chips in a million, we can compete with TSMC”?
Oh no, a challenge. Let’s not even try.
Organizing it through a Socialist government would probably be the easiest.
And complaining about such a tiny challenge is hilarious lmao
There are examples of exactly this occuring regarding renewables, there are community funded battery/solar farms here in Aus.
If it can be done on that scale, it can definitely be scaled up, it’s just a matter of willingness of the community.
TBF, chip fabs are a pretty bad example because they’re all union-built anyway because non-union contractors never have a low enough EMR to qualify to bid. Union contractors also have a better average base rate in terms of training than non-union contractors, just because every trade union has a uniform apprenticeship program across the US and Canada.