details comment:
this is my void linux theme, using swayfx and neovim. the color scheme is catppuccin mocha. i drew the wallpaper using krita.
Very slick. The paw is also cute.
How is Swayfx? I am on Sway and it is perfect for my workflow, I’m just misding drop shadows from Picom. I know we have hyprland but it is way too fancy for me because I dont need most of those fancy features.
swayfx is the same as sway, just with some extra configurations options for things like shadows, blur, rounded corners, etc. pretty much sway + some eye candy (doesn’t have animations yet, though that’s on the roadmap)
Nice wallpaper! Random question, did you use a drawing tablet to draw it in Krita or a mouse? (I’m looking for drawing tablet recommendations lol)
I used a drawing tablet, a Wacom Intuos S (CTL-4100 I believe)
Oooh nice, alright, thank you so much!