Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!
Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!
Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.
So, how’s it going?
Indulging myself in a coffee and a toastie for brekkie after a long time! (my usual go-to is a smoothie). I don’t really need the coffee, but I feel like today is going to be one of those days.
In other news, yesterday I managed to call out the lies of Microsoft (and another big vendor) - basically they said something like you can’t/can do this, and I proved them wrong (I set up an entire test infrastructure in the cloud just to get to the bottom of it), so feeling chuffed I finally did something cool at my new job. :)
Oh it’s always satisfying proving someone wrong! Not so fun being the one proved wrong though 😆
Thought for the day
Do you maintain a reading list?
I have a whole bunch of book on my to-read list. I add and subtract as I hear about things; and I make a notes about what I am reading, unless I’m reading fiction.
Yes, but the problem is I have way too many lists that just keep growing and growing, and I wonder if I’ll ever get to complete them.
Like some of these from the top of my head:
- Movies to watch
- TV shows to watch
- Documentaries to watch
- Bands to check out
- Foreign songs to learn (don’t ask)
- Food / recipes to try
… and so on.
The only one on your list I want to ask about now is the one you said not to ask about…reverse psychology?
Haha, it’s not a big secret or anything, it’s just my “thing”. I love karaoke, and I also have a bit of a fascination with foreign music - French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian etc. From pop and opera, to heavy metal throat singing. Whatever catches my fancy basically. And unlike “normal” people who may just listen to some J-pop or something, I actually like learning all the lyrics, practicing until I memorize everything, all so that I can sing along and perform confidently… in the shower.
Perhaps some day I might come across a karaoke place with a good foreign song collection, and that will be the day I finally get to show off, but until then, I will continue to keep learning and singing in the shower lol.
Nice, I like philosophy and complex topics… I’ll be happy to discuss anything with anyone. My go to when meeting new people is “what do you do for fun?”
Not really. I still use goodreads to track what I’ve read (I know I know Amazon bad, I’m lazy to change)
Since I’m a dirty pirate I just grab the ebook when I see something that I might be interested in and throw it into Calibre for me to look through when I’m deciding on my next book to read. Ebooks take up so little space I have no issue hoarding them even if I don’t end up reading them.
I also know how to sail. Calibre is wonderful software.
I use bookworm.nz to track the books I’ve read, am currently reading, and want to read. I also have a spread sheet with the same data (though it goes back further, because that’s how I started).
I’m not big on note taking, but when I do I normally create a page in my personal wiki.
I use Obsidian to track my list and make notes where I feel notes are a good idea.
I’ve heard good things about Obsidian, but while I’ve opened and played with it there hasn’t really been much to pull me into it.
Other than the wiki, I use Joplin for day to day notes, which serves it’s purpose and syncs easily with Nextcloud.
I like that Obsidian has lots of interesting addons but all the files are just markdown at the end of the day. You can view them in a standard text editor.
My vault syncs via Syncthing - which is just awesome.
Joplin is all markdown too. I guess I’d need to play with Obsidian’s addons to see what might make the killer feature for me, but it just seems easier to stick with Joplin. I don’t even use it all that much.
There are a bunch of cool features, but the killer feature is the tasks addon, so useful
Dont forget to watch the stars tonight :)
Not in this weather! (well, in Welly anyways)
Oh boy did that weather come on in a hurry!
Meteor shower? Which direction are we supposed to look?
I tried that way but it’s cloudy. Any other suggestions?
Apparently you’re supposed to look to the left of Jupiter, which I guess is north-ish? I’m no good at direction.
Just get above the clouds. Simple as.
Nah I don’t know, just a dumb joke!
Some things I’ve been doing recently - watching season 1 of Star Trek Picard, playing Ryse: Son of Rome, and reading The Explosive Child (who’s name the author’s dislike, as it mentioned in the re-released 2021 version I’m reading, as it’s about a parenting aproach not exclusive to “explosive” children).
How are you finding Picard? I’m a fan of the OG show, but in my time-poor world am always hesitant to pick up a new show! I blame Lost and GoT for that! Once bitten and all that…
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it probably wasn’t this. It’s a story that goes across the season (or longer?) rather than the individual episodes like TNG was.
One surprise was that I assumed it was a series about Picard in his youth played by another actor, like these sorts of things often are. When it turned out to star Sir Patrick Stewart that was a pleasant surprise (I read nothing going into it). The other surprise is how old he is. He’s a frail old man (I guess the dude is in his 80s now).
He also does things that aren’t characteristic of Jean-Luc Picard, though this is explained in the show.
I think after the initial surprises I’m starting to accept it as it’s own thing, and so am enjoying it more. I’m only about half way through the first season, but I think I’ll probably keep watching the next seasons. It sounds like it was written with 3 seasons in mind (which have all been released) and won’t be getting a 4th season so you’ll know what you’re in for if you start. There are only 30 episodes of about 45 mins each.
I watched the first season of Picard, it was OK I guess. I kind of lost interest after that though. The second season seems to be regarded as very average to bad, but then the third season is supposed to be very good…
I don’t know if I can bring myself to get through the second season to watch the third.
It’s only 10 episodes a season, so I think I’ll try to push through. You could just put it on in the background while you do something else, so you’ve seen them and get the gist but aren’t bored by the second season.
I can’t do the background TV watching myself, rather have quiet if I’m doing something else. I’ll wait for you to watch it and let us know if it’s as bad as they say :)
I don’t do the background TV watching either, but I thought other people commonly did. It takes me a while to get through stuff but will try to remember to report back!