Nice false dichotomy, moron. Not supporting SpaceX or Amazon is not equivalent to not wanting to help poor people, you literal idiot. I want to help them in ways that actually work, not hand megacorporations more money.
A poor person doesn’t need an internet connection in the middle of the woods. Free wifi in cities would do INFINITELY more considering the upkeep costs of satelite internet like StarLink or SpaceX or anything Amazon will do.
Again… Use your brain and THINK instead of listening to hype coming out of corporate marketing campaigns.
You have no points to make. Pathetic. Literally too stupid to think for yourself.
The fact you cannot understand that literally anything would be better than giving billion dollar corporations more money is pathetic. You are beyond a joke and wouldn’t know a serious answer if it fucked your mother and made you call it daddy.
The fact you cannot understand that literally anything would be better than giving billion dollar corporations more money is pathetic.
Let’s actually work through this for one moment.
I’m in favor of ending all current welfare programs and just handing poor people money, on a graduated level, until their net income hits a certain amount (let’s say 200% of current poverty line). Cuts the infrastructure, and helps them more than this plan full of cutoffs.
How exactly does this not benefit companies they will buy things from? How is this materially different from giving subsidies to a company?
If you don’t like billionaires, tax them.
You are beyond a joke and wouldn’t know a serious answer if it fucked your mother and made you call it daddy.
It’s always the least-informed people who pop off like this. You ever notice that?
Nice false dichotomy, moron. Not supporting SpaceX or Amazon is not equivalent to not wanting to help poor people, you literal idiot. I want to help them in ways that actually work, not hand megacorporations more money.
A poor person doesn’t need an internet connection in the middle of the woods. Free wifi in cities would do INFINITELY more considering the upkeep costs of satelite internet like StarLink or SpaceX or anything Amazon will do.
Again… Use your brain and THINK instead of listening to hype coming out of corporate marketing campaigns.
This is not a serious response.
You have no points to make. Pathetic. Literally too stupid to think for yourself.
The fact you cannot understand that literally anything would be better than giving billion dollar corporations more money is pathetic. You are beyond a joke and wouldn’t know a serious answer if it fucked your mother and made you call it daddy.
Let’s actually work through this for one moment.
I’m in favor of ending all current welfare programs and just handing poor people money, on a graduated level, until their net income hits a certain amount (let’s say 200% of current poverty line). Cuts the infrastructure, and helps them more than this plan full of cutoffs.
How exactly does this not benefit companies they will buy things from? How is this materially different from giving subsidies to a company?
If you don’t like billionaires, tax them.
It’s always the least-informed people who pop off like this. You ever notice that?